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Shiregreen school aka bracken hill school


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I was a pupil at Shiregreen Middle School between 1981 - 1985 approx.


I remember Mr Mahoney, who I was slightly in love with and was very kind to our family when my Dad died when I was in his class. I also seem to remember he lived locally and went door to door as a washing machine repair man in the school holidays.


There was Mrs Simpson who died when her two dogs dragged her into a river.


Mrs Marsden and Mr Inman were two of the older generation, who could be very, very firm but also very kind. Again Mr Inman stuck his neck out for my sister and supported her in finding extra tuition out of school for music.


I remember Mr Priest and was very relieved to have never been in his class. I remember though one year he came back from the summer holidays a changed man, I remember the rumoured reason why he changed so dramaticly, but wont say so here for fear of getting into trouble.


Other names I remember were Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Collins, Mrs Fryer and the headteacher Mr Booth - who I remember to be a lovely man. Alot of the teachers used to frequent the Roman Ridge Pub and smelt distinctly of beer in an afternoon!


I think the area was going down hill a bit at the time and some of the people who lived there left alot to be desired - some notorious families around and I remember being scared of dome of the kids at the school.


Overall though, a lovely school with some dedicated teachers.


And yes, I do remember the scary staircase upto the attic - wasn't the staffroom up there?


I dont remember many of the teachers names except of course My Mahoney, who most of us girls had a mad crush on x

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I started my Teaching career at Shiregreen in 1978 and left about six years later. Finished teaching about twelve years after that when I left to go into the provate sector. Now a Director of an Engineering company - how things change!


I was very young at Shiregreen and all the "crushes" probably have something to do with that especially compared with Pete Inman and Bernard Priest lol


Still see lots of "kids" around town and without fail they have been great. Good job looking at the sizes of some of the lads now!

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  • 1 month later...
i wonder what happened to nicholas mrs shemelds son ?


Sad to hear about Mrs Schemeld passing away...I remember Nicolas - he was a nice chap and played in our football team at Shiregreen in the 70's. Think I can still remember most of the team from those times.


Goalkeeper - Martin ?? Senior

Defence RB - Yours truly

Midfield - Dennis Crapper

Striker - Richard (went on to play for the Owls, can't remember the surname but can see his face)

LB - Think it was Nicolas Schemeld...

Winger - Tony Williamson

Think Steven Frith was in defence too...


C'mon help me out here...it's been a long time. Answers on a postcard...

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I remember Mr Priest (rotten git) in the juniors approx 1965, also Mr Wilkinson , he was a big bloke with gingerish hair , he was ok. Do you remember any of the teachers in the

senior school around that time ?. Mr Broadhead (deputy head) mr Naylor (sports)

Miss Bennet (english) Mr Burgin (woodwork) Mr Thorrold (maths) and good old Mr Lingard,

Mr Priest was a peach compared to Lingard.


i went there in the 60s up to the 70s when i left i remeber those teachers there where 4 of us who used to knock about together at school mick smith geoff cupit leonard bates and me graham senior we used to wag it together i remember wen we was in the 3rd year of senior school our form teacher was a mr coulton and at easter time we found out that the girls had bought him summat for easter so us 4 thoght we would have to go and get him summat (didnt want to be outdone by the girls lol)so we went to firth park during afternoon break to get him summat but we dint have any money so we had to nick summat we got a big easter egg and a big box of chocolates on our way back to school we decided to eat the chocolates and give him the easter egg by the time we got back the school was in assembly so we went to the woodwork room to finish off the chocs thats where mr burgin caught us and marched us to the assembly hall and we had to see the headmaster after we didnt get the stick cos we explained why we were late but we didnt tell him about the chocs (happy days wish i was back there )

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I started in the infants at Shiregreen School around 1963/64, I don't remember any of the teachers names from that time only Mrs Lee, nursery teacher. I do remember having school dinners in the assembly hall for some reason (probably the fire I have read about). I then went into the juniors and I remember Mr Priest, luckily I was never in his class but my cousin was. I had Mr Wilkinson later to take over from Mr Coombes as Head Teacher, Mrs Marsden who was firm but lovely, her daughter Zoe was a couple of years younger than me and also Mrs Shemeld who didn't live far from me. I didn't go into senior school there as it had closed and we went to Hinde House Comprehensive (I think we were the first class to go straight from juniors to Hinde House, but I may be wrong).


The area behind the school used to be a brick yard and quarry and we spent many hours during the summer holidays (unknown to our mums who had forbidden it) at the quarry catching newts, tadpoles and frogs.

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I started in the infants at Shiregreen School around 1963/64, I don't remember any of the teachers names from that time only Mrs Lee, nursery teacher.


curriechick, do you mean Mrs Easley? I think she was there for many years before she retired in the seventies.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went to Shiregreen Infant/Junior/Senior School (then on to Hinde House).


I remember Mr Wilkinson, he was great, he ran the football team and we were runners up in a Sheffield Schools cup competition (around 1965, I would be eleven). I also remember some of the other teachers mentioned ie Linguard etc.


My mum was a dinner lady at the school and then a teaching assistant (for around twenty years in all) and she loved working there.


I have very fond memeories of most of my time there.

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