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Shiregreen school aka bracken hill school


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On 01/06/2019 at 11:37, dotcunni said:

I remember Mr & Mrs Abbott.  He touch French didn't he?  Mrs Abbott still teaches, or at least she did 20 years ago when I went to collage.  She taught me English: I did better that time around and got an A.

The nurse was in a clinic underneath the school, down a ramp.  We went there for our TB jabs.  By the time the Chinese whisperers had finished, the needle went in your arm, twisted round and hit the bone: very painful by all accounts.  Kids!  She did nits and verruca's as well.

There were houses: Brittons were blue, Romans were red, Saxons were yellow and, Danes were green I think.

One of the most useful things I was taught in Home Economics, was how to iron a shirt.  I can honestly say that lesson wasn't a waste of time!

I have things to do: more reminiscing another time.

Hi people from Shiregreen Infants.  I’ve just randomly come across this thread of ex- pupils. 

I was there early 1970’s when decimalisation was invented. 

I was there when the toilets were still outside!!! With disgusting loo roll. 


I can remember some of the names of these teachers,,,,,, Miss Abbot taught me as her first class when qualified, and I came across her a few years ago at Crookesmoor. Miss Furniss was one of my favourite teachers Ever!!! I had another young lady teacher, but can’t recall her name, same time as Judy Abbot.  

A lot of the teachers were strange Priest and Coombs ? 

Dwayne Saxton rings a bell, his sisters were Dawn & Kim?

Catherine Ellis - was her brother Christopher? I think others in my class were,

Christine Burns, a boy called Paul? Michael Furniss I think, loads of others lost to my memory at the moment. 

I left as soon as, to go to Limpsfield middle school, we had carpets,,,haha 

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  • 10 months later...
On 01/06/2019 at 11:14, dotcunni said:

I went to the infants and junior school.  I didn't go to the nursery but I remember seeing the little cots on the grass and wishing I could be on one of them!  Oh my word!  Mr Priest and his two fingers that he used to dig under your ribs. 

There was one nice lady, I think she was a secretary.  I want to say Mrs Sheldon. She lived on Swanbourne Road and she used to hold my hand walking me home.

Mrs Marsden was a horror: she hated me!  Mr Coombs was the headteacher.  At the end of the year in assembly, he used to say 'and stay out of the hands of the police' and we used to reply 'same to you sir!' which felt really naughty to me.





I left Shiregreen school in 1964 when we moved to Parson cross.


I remember Mr Coombs (Norman)he had a thing for one of the teachers Mrs Hill, her daughter Judith was in our class.


Went back to the school about 20 years ago be fore it was knocked down and rebuilt

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Mrs Kemp, Mr Inman, Miss Gosling, Mr Mahoney, Mrs Oxley, Mrs Shemeld, Mrs Gorrell, Mr Sanderson, Mr Priest ...... All had an impact on my early life some good some not so good.


Edited by Markstevo
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