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Has anyone on here had anaemia?

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I was wondering whether anyone on here has had anaemia, if so how did you feel and what were your symptoms?


I am feeling very tired all the time, weak and also lightheaded/faint.


I know that 4 years ago i had low levels of haemoglobin, but it wasn't low enough to have anaemia.


With my having had low levels of haemoglobin before and considering the symptoms it's something i've been thinking about and will hopefully be able to rule it out when i have a blood test.

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Yes. Exceptionally tired, low energy levels. Sometimes faint, generally weak. Also a 'washed out' look.


Thanks, your reply is much appreciated, i too feel execptionally tired and have very low energy, my whole body is very weak and i do look pale as well.

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Yes. I had been having some female problems for the last couple years. Not serious enough for surgery, but heavy periods left me anemic. I was constantly out of breath, had heart palpitations after exercise, was irritable, and somewhat forgetful.


My doctor recommended I take prenatal vitamins even though I'm not currently pregnant because of the higher iron content. After just a couple days, my mood lifted enormously and I felt 100% better.


I just can't take regular iron supplements. I've tried it, and I just can't. The vitamins work more slowly than iron supplements, but they do work.


:) Sierra

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Your symptoms sound spot on ajd05, so I think a blood test would be your next step.


Strangely I kept my rosy cheeks, even when the rest of me was palest white.


EDIT- mine was diagnosed by the blood transfusion service when I went to give blood, and confirmed by my GP. I spent 2 years on iron supplement pills until it was stable.

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Thank you for replying medusa, well my symptoms keep being dismissed as a virus and this has been going on for 4 weeks now and my symptoms are getting worse.


I also suffer a little from anxiety/panic attacks and whatever is wrong with me is making other things worse as well, hopefully i can have a blood test done to confirm it or rule it out, it's something that needs to be done.

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Oh yes, I've had that!


Pull down you lower eyelid, if the inside of your eyelid is pale you probably have anaemia but if it's dark red, you don't. Either way, you really need to see a doctor.


Thanks for that advice, apparently it is not dark red but not pale either so somewhere in between.


I am seeing my GP again on friday so i will ask a few questions and also ask for a blood test.


I don't think i have something very serious wrong with me or anything life-threatening but i do feel terrible and i keep feeling like i am about to collapse any minute as i keep feeling lightheaded/faint but i hope to get some answers on friday.

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