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Has anyone on here had anaemia?

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I bought some multi vitamins around 5 days ago which contain 14mg of iron but i don't feel any different, although 5 days probably isn't long enough for them to work.


I've just thought, also anaemia can be caused by vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency and not just iron.


5 days isn't long enough really and also if you are anaemic, to be honest 14mg or iron is going to do diddly squat. If you're anaemic, the sort of dose you'd probably need to get sorted would be way higher. The strength of the iron a dr would prescribe is not available in conventional vitamin tablets.


There are definitely lots of viruses going around at the moment, when I get a water infection, I get the symptoms you describe.

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I had my blood pressure checked around a week and a half ago and it was fine then althought things can change and it might be different now, my day to day diet is not that great to be honest.


I was just wondering about something, when i take my multi-vitamins/iron pill i always take it with tea or have tea quite soon after taking it, is this wrong? will it affect it in anyway?


It may be worth having a look at your diet and exercise routine too, your body may be malnourished. I find if I dont do any exercise for a couple of weeks and eat an unhealthly diet I generally tend to feel tired and run down.


If you are aneamic, it may also be as a result of the poor diet.


I would suggest taking your multi vitamin with a meal but really you need a seperate iron supplement. The iron in the multivitiam is the minimun amount needed for someone who also has enough in their day to day diet. The iron supplement you should take with orange juice and not eat for an hour before and after taking it. this is the iron supplement i'd reccomend http://www.spatone.com/en.php?section=faq&id=7

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I've been diagnosed as anaemic a lot in the past due to heavy periods and a vegetarian. I once went to the doctor who told me I was severely anaemic and I was like, "I feel fine!".


I know when my haemoglobin levels are low as my hair starts to fall out and I get spots on my face.


I've basically decided to always take iron supplements, however I can't take ferrous sulfate (the normal ones doctor tells you to take) due to the side affects. I recommend taking ferrous gluconate (red pills) which have much less side affects. You can get this over the counter. However if you don't know why you suffer from low haemoglobin levels or anaemia, it's best to see your doctor.


Additionally, you shouldn't take your iron supplements close to having tea as it inhibits iron absorption.

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ajd05, I think the best thing to do is go to the doctor and ask for his/her opinion and a blood test.


Whatever we're saying here is purely speculation and even though nobody has mentioned ideas that could harm you in anyway (as far as I understand), unless we are YOUR medic, with YOUR records, our experiences and knowledge may only worry you more.


I think it's great to get the opinion of others when you have a diagnosis, or are going through tests, etc, that's where the experience and knowledge of non medically trained others can really be supportive. There's nothing quite like it, IMO and I should know with my list of disabilties and health problems!!!! I've found it very important.


IMO, of course everyone is being sincere and genuinely helpful right now but we could be, unintentionally, more harm than good, because we can't diagnose. IMO it's better to go to the doc than speculate and worry.

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Pharmacies don't do anaemia tests do they? i know they offer diabetes testing, testing for anaemia can be done the same way by doing the finger prick.


They need quite a bit more blood than that. The doctor will probably have you checked out for some other things at the same time, not just blood count.

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ajd05, I think the best thing to do is go to the doctor and ask for his/her opinion and a blood test.


Whatever we're saying here is purely speculation and even though nobody has mentioned ideas that could harm you in anyway (as far as I understand), unless we are YOUR medic, with YOUR records, our experiences and knowledge may only worry you more.


I think it's great to get the opinion of others when you have a diagnosis, or are going through tests, etc, that's where the experience and knowledge of non medically trained others can really be supportive. There's nothing quite like it, IMO and I should know with my list of disabilties and health problems!!!! I've found it very important.


IMO, of course everyone is being sincere and genuinely helpful right now but we could be, unintentionally, more harm than good, because we can't diagnose. IMO it's better to go to the doc than speculate and worry.


The OP has another thread which was started before this one, complaining about his/her doctor's lack of investigation on this matter. :)

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