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Has anyone on here had anaemia?

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With all due respect and i respect your post but i feel very ill and if i am seeing GP's and nothing is being done i think you would be very frustrated as well, especially when the symptoms are becoming worse and yet because i am not getting anywhere with the doctor's i am dreading my appointment tomorrow knowing it will probably be the same outcome.


I'd recommend the walk-in centre at RHH if you don't want to see your GP.

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With all due respect and i respect your post but i feel very ill and if i am seeing GP's and nothing is being done i think you would be very frustrated as well, especially when the symptoms are becoming worse and yet because i am not getting anywhere with the doctor's i am dreading my appointment tomorrow knowing it will probably be the same outcome.


Taking a written list of your symptoms is a very good idea & ignore the amateur medics on here - you know how ill you are.


I've had two very serious (by serious I mean life-threatening) conditions that were only diagnosed because I kept going back to the doctor. Both times I knew that there was something wrong and both times doctors tried to fob me off.


The first time, I was hospitalised before I managed to convince my GP that there was anything wrong :roll:


The second time, I kicked up a fuss and demanded tests. My GP wasn't happy and accused me of wasting time and money......until the results came back.........I changed doctors :rant:


Remember it's your doctors job to help you - he/she isn't doing you a favour - doctors are paid to help sick people and your national insurance contributions are paying his/her wages!


Good Luck for tomorrow - I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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Taking a written list of your symptoms is a very good idea & ignore the amateur medics on here - you know how ill you are.


I've had two very serious (by serious I mean life-threatening) conditions that were only diagnosed because I kept going back to the doctor. Both times I knew that there was something wrong and both times doctors tried to fob me off.


The first time, I was hospitalised before I managed to convince my GP that there was anything wrong :roll:


The second time, I kicked up a fuss and demanded tests. My GP wasn't happy and accused me of wasting time and money......until the results came back.........I changed doctors :rant:


Remember it's your doctors job to help you - he/she isn't doing you a favour - doctors are paid to help sick people and your national insurance contributions are paying his/her wages!


Good Luck for tomorrow - I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Thanks Shinypurple, from your story people know exactly what i mean, i feel that doctor's are too quick to fob people off and dismiss things and when you demand tests they usually don't do them or get funny about it, we know our own bodies better than what a doctor does and we know how we feel.


I don't want to end up hospitalized or worse before something is done, especially when i keep going back and after trying so hard to make them do something.

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Thanks Shinypurple, from your story people know exactly what i mean, i feel that doctor's are too quick to fob people off and dismiss things and when you demand tests they usually don't do them or get funny about it, we know our own bodies better than what a doctor does and we know how we feel.


I don't want to end up hospitalized or worse before something is done, especially when i keep going back and after trying so hard to make them do something.


I think you'll find that what you mean is that some doctors are too quick to fob people off and some doctors dismiss things- and many doctors get a bit annoyed when you decide that you know what's wrong and want them to spend their very tightly regulated reserves proving to you that what's wrong with you isn't what you think it is.

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Also, i forgot to mention i think i may be suffering from palpitations, is this where you are aware of your heartbeat? if so i am getting palpitations, i feel a little short of breath as well but i have asthma so i don't know what's causing that.

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I saw a doctor earlier this morning, i handed them a piece of paper with a list of my symptoms and he asked me a few questions, he asked me if i had any idea what is causing my problems and i said i wasn't sure but in the past i had low levels of haemoglobin, he said that blood tests would be done to rule out things such as thyroid problems, anaemia, diabetes etc.


Now that is a sign of a better doctor when they arrange blood tests without asking!


They asked me if i thought anxiety was causing my symptoms and i said maybe it is causing a few symptoms but i think something else is causing the majority of my symptoms.


Well i still feel terrible and still feel very faint and like i am going to collapse but i feel better now that on tuesday i will be having blood tests done and should hopefully find out the results by the end of next week providing the results are done by then.

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Well Tuesday must seem an age away just now, but it's good news. I'm glad the doctor listened to you and has treated you with respect.


I hope you can get some rest in the next few days and relax a bit. Whatever the test results come back as, you've definitely feeling pretty awful and it's not nice to feel like that for as long as you have.


Roll on Tuesday.

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Well Tuesday must seem an age away just now, but it's good news. I'm glad the doctor listened to you and has treated you with respect.


I hope you can get some rest in the next few days and relax a bit. Whatever the test results come back as, you've definitely feeling pretty awful and it's not nice to feel like that for as long as you have.


Roll on Tuesday.


Thanks for the message, yes tuesday seems like years away right now and sometimes i feel will i make it until then as i am feeling so bad.

I'm just glad that finally a doctor is going to do some tests, if another doctor had done same thing last week or at the beginning of the week i would have had the results now but if the results are negative then i can stop worrying, if there's something wrong at least it can be sorted out.

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