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Has anyone on here had anaemia?

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I'm so glad you got one of the good ones this time. It's such a relief isn't it when someone finally takes you seriously.


Having said that, I hope all the tests come back negative!


Good Luck.


Thanks, I had a feeling that i would get somewhere with this doctor i saw today as my partner has seen this doctor before and he is one of the practice's doctors rather than a locombe.


I shouldn't have to keep seeing doctors for them to do the relevant tests but he didn't hesitate to do blood tests, i didn't have to ask and he is doing his job properly.


It's a long wait now until tuesday to have them done then more waiting to get the results but hopefully they will all be negative.

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Just thought i would post an update...................


I am still feeling the same if not worse, i seem to have a number of symptoms including feeling extremely tired all the time, feeling very weak, having no energy whatsoever, having a fast pulse, feeling faint/lightheaded, feeling on edge/restless and feel unable to relax.


As you know i am having my blood tests done on tuesday, tuesday seems like a long time away right now and i should get the results on friday.


I feel extremely ill and i am just hoping that nothing is seriously wrong, i keep thinking that i am going to collapse or die, i know that sound's extreme but i do feel very ill right now.

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I would suggest not trying home testing for anaemia. get your doctor to do the blood tests and get them sent to the lab where the machines are calibrated to make sure your results are correct and trained people are looking at them. Many symptoms of anaemia also crop up in other problems such as viral infections, blood pressure problems, stress and depression too manefest in physical symptoms such as extreme tiredness, dizzyness (and i am talking from experience on that one!!). Get it checked out properly or you could end up making yourself worse

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Just thought i would post an update...................


I am still feeling the same if not worse, i seem to have a number of symptoms including feeling extremely tired all the time, feeling very weak, having no energy whatsoever, having a fast pulse, feeling faint/lightheaded, feeling on edge/restless and feel unable to relax.


As you know i am having my blood tests done on tuesday, tuesday seems like a long time away right now and i should get the results on friday.


I feel extremely ill and i am just hoping that nothing is seriously wrong, i keep thinking that i am going to collapse or die, i know that sound's extreme but i do feel very ill right now.



A close relative of mine suffers from panic attacks and has all the symptoms you describe. She also says the panic attacks make her feel so ill she's afraid she'll die. I'm not saying that's necessarily what you're suffering from and obviously you're doing the right thing having blood tests to look for a physical cause. But your doctor was also right to ask about anxiety. It can have very real physical effects. Is there something you can do to help you relax and keep your mind off the wait until Tuesday? A long soak in the bath? Curling up in bed with a hot water bottle? Watching a silly film??? It can't do any harm, surely, even if anxiety isn't the problem! All the best.

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Theres a lot of talk on here about taking iron supplements but taking iron supplements when you don't have a diagnosis is not the best idea as you can make yourself ill if you get too much iron. easiest plan is to eat iron rich foods like green veg and get tests done. at least then you'd know you were taking the right treatment not potentially adding to your woes

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Just posting an update on this matter.

I rang up this afternoon for the blood test results and they were back already, confusing enough they were all clear, which i have to say really surprises me considering i have alot of symptoms and i have still have them now and they are not going away, but it's good that nothing was found on the blood tests.

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I don't wish to come across all 'I told you so' but I do hope these results will restore some confidence back in your GP's abilities to spot health problems and encourage you to no longer badger them until they give in to what you want.

I'm glad there's nothing obvious wrong with you from the tests, perhaps it is the post-viral syndrome you have, which will clear in due course.

Best wishes.

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