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Woman jailed for 4 Years for knocking down a cyclist while texting and driving.

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The deaths, the injuries and the damage where caused by cars.


They were caused by people driving a vehicle of some description. If there were no vehicles, there would've been no accidents that involved a vehicle.




I hope you do:D

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[cyclists don't injur other people]


Irrelevant. That's like saying shoplifters aren't really stealing. Simply because the impact is not as severe, doesn't make it OK!


It makes it different, not necessarily ok. In some cases, so different that they don't stand up to any sensible comparison. Like this one.


People are the cause of the vast majority of these accidents and the hundreds of thousands of less serious ones


Good point. Cars cause the death or severity of the injury - car drivers cause the accident to happen.


There you go again, how do you know the car is the cause, please provide proof.


Cars are involved in the majority of accidents.

Over 250,000 cars involved in injury causing accidents in 2006 out of a total of 350,000. Mostly with other cars of course. Meaning one of the drivers is the cause of the accident. (Most common reason for the accident - failure to look properly.)


If you don't think car drivers are causing these accidents who or what do you think is? Cyclists going through red lights or riding on the pavement?

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Aside from worthless and unrelated statistics, the fact remains that cyclists DO cause accidents, and cyclists DO cause damage to cars.


Now, I haven't use a pedal cycle for years, but if I still did I'd want to be insured for my own protection. Imagine causing a fatal accident and being forced to pay up for the rest of your life – just because insurance for bicycles isn’t a legal requirement doesn’t mean that a cyclist wouldn’t be responsible for his actions.


Similarly, if a cyclist caused damage to my car – however slight – I’d pursue him for compensation. If he were penniless and uninsured I’d have him in court and paying a pound a week as a matter of principle, as well as arranging unpleasant anonymous visitors to his house.


We’re all responsible for our actions on the roads – and cyclists are not excluded from that, with or without insurance.


Just replace the word 'cyclist' with 'people' and you'll see the same argument applies.


You are right that cyclists are not "exempt" from responsibility for their actions on the roads and neither are pedestrians. They are however exempt from compulsory tests, licences, MOT's, insurance etc because there presence on the road is not a threat. If 'people' wish to take out personal liability insurance then that should be their business and not the business of the State. Beside it being an intrusion too far, it is also unworkable in reality.

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They were caused by people driving a vehicle of some description. If there were no vehicles, there would've been no accidents that involved a vehicle.




I hope you do:D


Errr.... no! :confused:

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It makes it different, not necessarily ok. In some cases, so different that they don't stand up to any sensible comparison. Like this one.




Good point. Cars cause the death or severity of the injury - car drivers cause the accident to happen.




Cars are involved in the majority of accidents.

Over 250,000 cars involved in injury causing accidents in 2006 out of a total of 350,000. Mostly with other cars of course. Meaning one of the drivers is the cause of the accident. (Most common reason for the accident - failure to look properly.)


If you don't think car drivers are causing these accidents who or what do you think is? Cyclists going through red lights or riding on the pavement?


Part of the answer is in your question. :rolleyes:

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I realise there are some people who will either never think about it enough to understand the point or will never concede it because they have their opinion and nobody is going to change it.



I hope that remark wasn't aimed at me since you quoted me above it.


The problem you seem to have is the same as those you criticise but the opposite way around having read your diatribe against car drivers earlier, you can't see past the idea that most cyclists are good and most drivers are bad. Both assertions are wrong. The fact that this accident involved both doesn't say anything about either type of road user in general. However, had they both been travelling within the law it wouldn't have happened, everything else is irrelevant and any idiot can see that a car will cause more damage than a bicycle which is why it is more heavily regulated in law.

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i would like to get back to the original OP topic .. woman jailed for texting while driving ?? why does every thing turn onto an argument on the forum ?????


i would of thrown away the key, i see it every day .. texting with kids in the back of the car .. its an accident waiting to happen ...

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i would like to get back to the original OP topic .. woman jailed for texting while driving ?? why does every thing turn onto an argument on the forum ?????


i would of thrown away the key, i see it every day .. texting with kids in the back of the car .. its an accident waiting to happen ...


At last a voice of reason. Back to the original OP it is.


The woman was a stupid, dangerous, thick bint.

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i would like to get back to the original OP topic .. woman jailed for texting while driving ?? why does every thing turn onto an argument on the forum ?????


i would of thrown away the key, i see it every day .. texting with kids in the back of the car .. its an accident waiting to happen ...

I can pick an "argument" with that, sorry. What has having kids in the car got to do with it, is that more illegal? That is similar to those who put large signs in their back windows partially obstructing their rear view to inform us they have a baby on board and for some reason we should modify our driving accordingly.
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