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Woman jailed for 4 Years for knocking down a cyclist while texting and driving.

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Whilst the cyclist can certainly shoulder some of the blame, the woman driving is by no means innocent - a green light does not mean 'go', it means 'look and if its clear then go'. She obviously wasn't paying any attention to the road, was using her mobile whilst driving across a junction, and top top it off was doing 50% more than the speed limit. Any of the factors could have changed things, but at the end of day, she was responsible for a ton of metal which quite clearly has the possibility of injuring or killing someone. In that situation she should not be driving without being aware of what's going on around her.


As to the person above - if the bike was a HGV and it had been the woman who was killed then obviously you'd look upon it differently - mainly because a HGV is much, much more likely to cause fatality or injury and the burden of responsibility should show that.


(by the way, I don't like cyclists either - one hit me when I was crossing a road at a crossing a while back - I think his pride (and maybe even him) were damaged more than me, I just carried on walking, he fell off :))

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The car driver was an accident waiting to happen, driving 15 mph above the speed limit and also texting on her mobile phone. She'd already been caught for speeding 3 times before and you can guarantee that it wouldn't have been the first time she'd used her phone whilst driving.


Imagine the uproar if she had of killed a kid/teenager who ran into the road to fetch their ball....she'd have got a lot longer than 4 years. One could easily argue that the kid/teenager should shoulder some of the blame because they shouldn't have ran out into the road without looking.


I agree that the cyclist should not have been running a red light and I think there should be stronger penalties for those who do. The cyclist in this case has paid the ultimate price and hopefully his death will make other think twice about running red lights.


Motorists constantly whinge about the dangers cyclists pose to them but I'd rather take my chances with a 13 stone bloke on a 25 pound bicycle than a car being driven well over the speed limited and by someone texting on their phone.

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What we all seem to be forgetting is that the Cyclist was (passed tense) an idiot and he paid with his life. She was also an idiot and is paying by being punished.


It does seem that the actions of the cyclist are being somewhat glossed over as he did quite clearly contribute to his demise.


I wonder if it could be the fact that her mode of transport is a vile, gas guzzling spawn of satan and his mode is a no emmision, no carbon footprint darling of Red Ken.



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We don't have to imagine anything, she ran a guy over who jumped a red light, end of story.


The guy was wrong, she was wrong, he's dead, she's gone to prison, get over it.


Clearly it's not the end of the story, cause here we are discussing it on Sheffield Forum.


"He's dead...get over it".....pure class.

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Clearly it's not the end of the story, cause here we are discussing it on Sheffield Forum.


"He's dead...get over it".....pure class.


Yes, Indeed. I for one am looking forward to more of his riveting appraisals. :help:

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She should not have been texting but had he not ran a red maybe he would not have been hit by her in the first place.

I would imagine had the cyclist not been killed, the driver ay have been given a longer sentence.In this instance shes got 4 years for texting and not being able to prevent an accident & the cyclist sadly no longer with us, has been taken into account in the case for partly causing the accident.

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Hey, if was down to me you'd get a free tax disk for every cyclist you nailed jumping a red light.


I'm happy with that, as long as you're not breaking the law (speeding or using your mobile phone) when you hit 'em.


What does one get for pulling someone from their car and beating the crap out of them when they are using their mobile phone?

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