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Pubs closing down in Sheffield area megathread

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Daemon, you're exactly right, we have three, four, five pubs within a shirt walk, we maybe go to one of them once a fortnight. It's not that they don't try, a couple of them have really made the effort to bring in some trade and have a good drinks selection, generally good clientèle, etc. but they are down at heel, not in an endearing homely sort of way, just plain scruffy, uncomfortable, at times just ludicrously noisy - when no one seems to want the music to be on at all and moreover, really quite expensive. It's a real shame.

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Agreed - a lot of pubs have had little money spent on them over recent years. As a result a lot of them are as scruffy as a squat with peeling paint, dirty carpets, ripped seats and mouldy window frames. You dont want to pay inflated prices to sit and drink in a doss house. I suppose its a vicious circle.


The pubs I know that are busy most evenings are well looked after, comfy and welcoming - Eg. Ranmoor Inn. They have newspapers so you dont mind dropping in when youre passing alone.

The exeception would be the grim Rising Sun in Nether Green that also has possibly the most mardy little landlord in Sheffield.

Edited by theripsaw
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You're absolutely right ripsaw it is a downward spiral. I just don't know (and maybe some people in the trade on here could throw some light on this) why these very large and presumably well resourced corporate landlords don't see it as a necessity to maintain the quality of their estate? While there probably are some wealthy publicans who can afford and are prepared to invest heavily this is presumably not the norm?

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The exeception would be the grim Rising Sun in Nether Green that also has possibly the most mardy little landlord in Sheffield.


Maybe you caught him on a bad day? I think it's a fine pub with friendly staff and a fantastic beer and cider range.

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Maybe you caught him on a bad day? I think it's a fine pub with friendly staff and a fantastic beer and cider range.


He must have a lot of bad days! The beer range is good but that must be all peole go for. The place itself could do with a full refurb and some air strong fresheners.


Mrs Mills - these corporate landlords dont have two pennies to rub together. They mortgaged themselves up to the hilt in the beginning so had little to spend on maintaining their estate. They are all now living on the edge and at the mercy of their banks. Besides, maintainance is generally up to the tenant landlords- who hit by ever increasing rents / costs also had little to spend.

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He must have a lot of bad days! The beer range is good but that must be all peole go for. The place itself could do with a full refurb and some air strong fresheners.


Very odd - Robert is one of the nicest blokes i've ever met!

A nice welcoming couple doing great beer and great food.

The place is spotlessly clean so i don't get the airfreshner reference at all. Quite bizzare.

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The Rising Sun is nice, but you don't want to drink more than three drinks otherwise you have to visit the toilets. The ladies is pink and chocolate and really cold.


I would not say that the Rising Sun smells, but a lot of places really do honk. In order to survive post the smoking ban they need a really good shake n vac. You can see the faults more easily withought the fug. It's when I have been to the "Roxy" or Plug that that it's worse though. Sometimes they have air freshener machines, but I always seem to get to stand next to the great unwashed, or the fart champion. Do these people see the Lynx adverts and think "what's that for?"

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Its the smoking ban for me. Going to the pub is just not the same anymore.

Also, as someone else mentioned, loud(ish) music. My hearing just isn't good enough and my voice not loud enough to have a conversation above it.

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Its the grotty toilets that let many places down, especially in working mens clubs. They smell and look as though they have not been decorated since the 1970's. This often happens in a refurbished pub as well, loads is spent on the pub, but nothing is done to the toilets.

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