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Pubs closing down in Sheffield area megathread

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The day the Government brought in the stupid, badly thought out smoking ban was the day the pub trade died.


There's never been a shortage of pubs for them that wants to use them. If a smoker is so pathetic that he can't manage for an hour in a pub without his little puff god help him on a long haul flight.


I do see a lot of pubs boarded up but they reopen under new management a few weeks later. With wine bars, micro pubs, licensed restaurants and cafe bars opening all over the place the number of bars where you can get a drink has never been higher. I think folk are encouraged into them because the air is fit to breathe. Certainly there was no shortage of customers in the bars in and around Leopold Square last night. Before the smoking ban there wasn't even one bar there.


---------- Post added 26-10-2013 at 14:25 ----------


TBH they could have made a workable solution, but too bloody minded so all was stopped.


But there again my experience of non smoking rooms was smokers who insisted on sitting in them to share their stink.

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The day the Government brought in the stupid, badly thought out smoking ban was the day the pub trade died.


No the day they decided to break up 'the monopoly' of the breweries was the start then the fact they charge the same amount of tax as supermarkets and off sales didn't help

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  • 1 year later...

Yes the traditional pub has all but died.


Not many pubs are busy mon-thurs in the evening apart from student pubs.


So many "locals" just don't exist anymore ,the culture of calling for a drink in the evening in your local has all but gone.


The ones that work nowadays are very different focusing on food and daytime customers.


Even when pubs get busier at the weekend its a very different feel to how it was with a mixture of young people who often start out having pre loaded and just get totally drunk and a few older generation drinkers who still go out but nothing like it was.


I know there are still a few good busy pubs out there but nothing like as many.


Sad really.

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Many of public houses that just provide a place to buy drinks and chat are disappearing fast. However it seems as though that if they sell food and expect you to buy 2 drinks with it eat it and get out they are being permitted to continue to exist as you do not tend to chat much with strangers and of course there are profits to be made.


It appears that the pubs that do provide an opportunity to socialise and chat with strangers have to go as the conversations that would otherwise be taking place using social media can not be recorded and monitored.


Of course if you don't understand this concept you can just dismiss it as a conspiracy theory and out your head back in the sand. Its no skin off my back if you want to make like o#an ostrich.


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