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Pubs closing down in Sheffield area megathread

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The Pubcos are selling most of their pub estates off now in a effect to pay their huge debts off. The only pubs that will be retained are the ones selling food in a effect becoming restaurant's the traditional pub model is now history. Another part of our heritage sold down the line.

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TBH they could have made a workable solution, but too bloody minded so all was stopped.


Did they even want a workable solution?


Smokers continue to contribute to the state coffers, the state has the power but will not ban it outright because allegedly its masters do not want it to. I'm trust that massive profits will have nothing to do with that.


Yet public houses continue to cease trading as was it would seems the intention from the day they started knocking walls down and depriving the patrons of the choice of Lounge Bar, Tap Room, Games Rom or Snug.



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No the day they decided to break up 'the monopoly' of the breweries was the start then the fact they charge the same amount of tax as supermarkets and off sales didn't help


Precisely. Pubs were on the decline long before the smoking ban.


I also know many smokers who still go the pub, as they just pop outside. I also know people who now are willing to go to the pub who weren't before BECAUSE they aren't forced into a smoky atmosphere.


In fact, I myself go to pub a LOT more thanks to them being no smoking.


The fact I don't have to suffer a painful asthma chest and immediately have a shower and change my clothes when I get home is a BIG factor. It also saves the pubs a fortune in cleaning costs.


The smoking ban was necessary. Even a smoker should not be forced to enter a smoke filled room to empty the ash trays, clean the tables/floors, etc. I have never seen ONE that had adequate ventilation to avoid that problem.


That said, few people seem to understand that the smoking ban also applies to the entrance of any public building. So I still end up having to walk through clouds of smoke to get INTO the pub sometimes.

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I think that the market has changed since this thread was started. Although pubs are still closing due, mainly due to changes in the communities. Attercliffe being a prime example.


But there are now more brewery's than there has ever been in history. The revival of real ale has really turned the tables on the marketplace and has taken the power from the hands of the large breweries. And i think that pubs like 'The Tap' at the station must be making a tidy profit if they are charging £7 for a half of exclusive ale.


Pubs like the Sheaf View in Heeley are consistently busy and they dont serve food. And its always 4 deep at the bar at the The Beer Engine on eccy road.


The pubs that have closed have been the ones that have been stubborn to change or havent served food.


The smoking ban was the best thing to happen to pubs and to socialising in general. I also think that there should be a change in law that states that smokers must be at least 3m away from a premises doorway.

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Pubs often close because they are worth more as property to the hated pubcos that own them than running them as pubs could ever make. So when people say 'use it or lose it' that is often nonsense. The 'market' once again has failed to deliver what the people really want. All it delivers is profit and loss. Sometimes that means refurbing an old pub into a great new place, often it means demolition and flats or supermarkets instead.

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Pubs often close because they are worth more as property to the hated pubcos that own them than running them as pubs could ever make. So when people say 'use it or lose it' that is often nonsense. The 'market' once again has failed to deliver what the people really want. All it delivers is profit and loss. Sometimes that means refurbing an old pub into a great new place, often it means demolition and flats or supermarkets instead.


All business have to work within the traditional concept of 'profit and loss'......otherwise is just loss

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All business have to work within the traditional concept of 'profit and loss'......otherwise is just loss


But it's not the market for pubs and beer that is solely responsible for pubs closing down. It's the property market.

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Pubs often close because they are worth more as property to the hated pubcos that own them than running them as pubs could ever make. So when people say 'use it or lose it' that is often nonsense. The 'market' once again has failed to deliver what the people really want. All it delivers is profit and loss. Sometimes that means refurbing an old pub into a great new place, often it means demolition and flats or supermarkets instead.


Spot on! Pubcos have deliberately acted towards pubs becoming unviable by not refurbishing, restricting what drinks can be sold and increasing overheads for their managers. Result - "tired" pubs which became unpleasant to sit in, "tired" managers, who were constantly treading water rather than making a decent living and an opportunity for Pubcos to sell off yet another pub to developers.

Happened in our village but we opposed planning applications for development into housing, got the pub listed as an asset of community value, bought it and it will re-open shortly.

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