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Driving age to go up to 18

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Cars aren't a necessity, although they do make life easier. I haven't owned a vehicle for 4 years. I do have occasional use of my partner's car, but I don't have my own.


I didnt have a car for about 5 years, it restricted me from doing normal things; simple things like taking rubbish to the tip. Its easy to get around these things, but not very convenient.

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What an excellent idea! In most American states (especially the Southern ones) they have tighter rules such as this, as well a having a US-wide 55MPH speed limit.


...Only I would be tempted to raise it still further to 21 (I believe this is the case in Tennesee)

We dropped the 55 MPH rule years ago. Most states have settled for a 65 MPH rule with a few going up to 70 or 75 MPH. The drinking age limit settled at 21 nationwide after many accidents caused by neighboring states having different bar closing times. You can't buy a drink in a bar anywhere until you're 21.
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I read recently that the any differences in spatial awareness between men and women is mostly due to boys being encouraged to engage in activities that develop spatial awareness more than girls. Which I can well believe on my own observations!

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So what do ppl think about the age of driving going up to 18?


Drivers will have to complete a set minimum number of lessons,


zero alcohol limit for all drivers a year after passing their test


banning drivers young drivers from carrying passengers aged between 10-20 from 11pm to 5am for a year after passing their test


Where has this come from as I can't find any reports of any intention to raise the driving age to 18.

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Where has this come from as I can't find any reports of any intention to raise the driving age to 18.


Like many discussions, its just someone that has started a thread, there has been no Dept of Transport proposal.

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So what do ppl think about the age of driving going up to 18?


Drivers will have to complete a set minimum number of lessons,


zero alcohol limit for all drivers a year after passing their test


banning drivers young drivers from carrying passengers aged between 10-20 from 11pm to 5am for a year after passing their test


Well that's really going to make a difference isn't it?


Ideally anyone under 25 years old can't drive any vehicle above a 1.0L standard car would be better, so nothing souped up with fat wheels, lowered suspension and fat exhausts, just a billy basic car


Zero intolerance for all on alcohol...this isn't rocket science


and why is this thread 9 years old?

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