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Driving age to go up to 18

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good idea i think. it would cut down on accidents in a big way.


and slimsid your wrong. stats show that women actually cause MORE accidents, but men cause more serious accidents!

Keep your head down after that one Joe, true though it is.
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It should go up to 30 for men and 18 for women.


Government funding for driving lessons (especially for benefit claimants) payed for by a windfall tax on bus company profits.


Zero alcohol limit for all drivers at all times



That would be the best way to cut down on accidents.







Lets hope we don't need tradesmen such as plumbers, or sparkys. They have a nasty habit of turning up in vans, and are not known for using the bus to get from job to job

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Mimimum lessons.....Nice little earner me thinks.....more VAT and fuel tax for the govt. Not everybody will need 40 lessons


Zero alcohol.....nice idea but unworkable...some cough and cold remedies contain a small amout of alcohol



I passed my test after very few lessons, fewer than half of this quoted 40. I have to admit I wasn't ready. With a lot of other licenses for driving/flying etc a minimum number of hours is required. I suppose it's bringing it into line.


We have zero tolerance to alcohol, but in reality it's not zero, but it is less than a third of what is allowed on the roads. So I drink nothing at all before going to work. None of the "I'll be alright, it's only a pint" nonsense anymore.

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My son is 18 in December, and he desperate to drive, but has decided to wait until he feels confident enough to tackle the roads.

The rise to 18 is a good idea, don't know about the no passenger thing though, it would be hard to enforce a rule like that. If you got caught, would it be an on the spot fine, points on the drivers license, etc? more paperwork for the police. :roll:

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The rise to 18 is a good idea, don't know about the no passenger thing though, it would be hard to enforce a rule like that. If you got caught, would it be an on the spot fine, points on the drivers license, etc? more paperwork for the police. :roll:

The no passenger rule is only banning young drivers from carrying passengers aged between 10-20 from 11pm to 5am for a year, not everyone.
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Hmmm, Im not sure I agree with it, maybe its a good idea for cars that are road legal. I'd personally like to see younger people taught how to use the roads safely, how to drive a car safely. Like lessons for 10 year olds, but only a license at 18.

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It's not a question of their driving technique it's how they behave when showing off to their young friends. It's the mindset of young people that needs working on. A lot of us probably know from experience as young drivers that we would do things with our friends aboard that we'd never do alone or with our parents.

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Great idea, maybe then they would be able to steal cars at 11 instead of 16 or 17.


I was thinking for those who do steal cars, surely it would be better to give them some information on how to drive safely. They will pinch the car either way, I reckon its better if they know how to control a skid, stopping distances etc.

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