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Street drinking in town pre 80s

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i used to go drinking in the peace gardens / fargate fountain etc in the late 80s / early 90s

winos, tramps, punks, hippies, metallers, rockabillies, psychobillies, trendies, druggies and whoever else all hanging around together.

all sat in groups of 5-20 people all sat on the grass, benches, throwing each other in the fountain in the sun

just thinking about it tho it made me think what it would bldve been like in the 70s, 60s and earlier


types of people sat around town having a beverige, where


try and explain who youd see around town boozing (in the streets), where and put me in the picture to how itd have looked like then

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indeed :)


dude i may contact you for an interview for a fanzine for a punk site i frequent if thats ok


to do with violent affray....if i can think of any questions..........i know youd said quite a bit to me about em but ive forgot.....wanna stick a photo and maybe even a track on the accompying mp3 torrent if thats ok

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Also there Mel, used to get supplies from International. If giro ran out sometimes "forgot" to pay! If you got bored you could always walk on to fargate and form a band! Happy times, but would die if I tried to live like that now. Besides, doubt if I could get up from the grass without assistance.

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No idea what it's like now, but West St used to be a lively scene on Friday and Saturday nights back in the '60s. Yes, eons ago. People would wander from pub to pub with their pints of beer. Must have been quite a cooperative spirit among the pubs as the glasses rarely wound up where the beer was purchased. been there, done that. :)

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