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Help Needed: Conscientious Objectors and Citizenship 1939-1945

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Hi, I'am currently doing a dissertation on: Conscientious Objectors (COs) and the notion of citizenship in the second world war.


I would like to know if anyone could tell me about any direct experiences or stories you may have heard of your grandparents etc about CO's during the war, or if you was one yourself, about your experiences.

(How you or they were treated? what you or others thought of CO's? Or any stories of bravery you may have heard CO's perform, tribunal experiences and so on)


Furthermore, I would appreciate if people could talk about what it meant to be a citizen during WWII, or a citizen just before the outbreak of the war. And what did it mean to be a 'good' citizen or a 'bad' citizen. (examples would help)


Thanks for your help

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a lot of info re C.Os on B-G forum Parish chest, i cruise now and then.and at the risk of repeating an old story, Monfreddie ice cream yard, Italians had just joined the war &some very good Sheffield lads had turned over cart &horse"Joe" came walking down our entry cart broke him & horse a little bloodied & saying to mom But i told them I'm Irish begorra,I know I'm warped but had a good laugh for many a year.

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