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Story: 'Name and Fortune.'


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A first class piece of writing, very realistic dialogue (And yes, we really do talk like that, ladies. :) ) I really liked the daft idea about Andy only dating women named after cars and cracked up laughing at ‘She’s got a dog called Rover.’ I added.


I also liked this line: Whereas Minnie’s more the sort of girl where you can just stick your head under the bonnet and sort her out yourself.’


A nice twist at the end too. :thumbsup:


I could easily imagine John O’Farrell writing something like this, for Gods sake, turn it into a script and send it to the BBC, dammit I’ll even send you a stamp, just do it!

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Excellent! Great bit of dialogue.

For some reason it reminded me of afro wigs, droopy lapels and chest medallions.

So I’m off into the loft to find my old ones, and give the spiel a try this weekend, best if I try it on the budgie first, to see if I still have the knack.

That’s if the wife will let me. :suspect:

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There’s no accounting for taste, I thought I saw an episode once, the details are vague as most things are at 11pm when you’ve just got in from the pub, “What a funny time to put on a cutting edge comedy, it should be something to make you sleepy.” I thought. After 5 minutes I went to bed.


I guess you could send the script to ITV instead.


From the British Sitcom guide.


This BBC3 sitcom is aimed directly at teenagers and young adults - as a result much of the humour is broad, crude and sex related. Be warned, if you're not in the target audience you may find this show vulgar and anything but funny. However, if this is aimed at you, then you're no doubt one of the millions of young people who count Two Pints as one of the very best comedies on TV.


How much time this comedy has left remains to be seen - with potential plot lines running out, and the main cast starting to leave some are predicting this is likely to be the last we see of Two Pints (well, apart from the million and one times it is repeated on BBC3 each day).

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Really good dialogue, good story, and the ending was spot on!


A bit of the conversation reminded me of something in Freakonomics about an Irish father who had seven kids, named the sixth "Winner" and the seventh "Loser". The kid called Winner went on to be a thief and wife beater, the kid called Loser went on to become a police Sergeant after graduating from college (collegues call him "Lou"). Just goes to show...

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