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The crying boy picture

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just read an article in the sheffield star about " the crying boy" picture and just wondered if anyone has any spooky tales of how there has been a fire and the only thing to survive intact was that picture. spoke to a few people and some say its just urban legend and some people swear blind that the stories are true and that the picture has some kind of "curse" on it..what do you folks think??

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Theres a family in Leicester, used to live down the road from my OH and they had the boy and the girl pics on their wall. Someone warned them not to seperate them and one day, as they were decorating they put the pics in different rooms.

Aparrantly, within the hour, the house had burned down.


Ill have to ask the OH about it for more details because she knew them.

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Im sorry, I was talking crap as usual.


I asked the OH and she said that this family have both pics of the boy and girl and have the pics in seperate rooms in the house. Theyre scared to remove the pics or one of the pics form the house in case theres a fire, there wasnt a fire because one of them was moved, but it was a long time since she told me this so... I was wrong, but there are obviously people who are scared of the so-called curse.

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oh my god my nan used to have these n they freaked me out as a kid ...i used to wake up thinkin i could here the bot cryin n eventually made em take it down .....eeeek i've just gone cold!!!


when i was a child we used to have one on our landing , mum says when i was about 3 i had some strange fixation with this picture ,sort of an obsession always looking at it and askin questions about it dunno why i cant remember , anyway when i was about 7 or 8 i remember them throwing it away :) nothing happened :roll: but i was glad to see the back of it i hated it x

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  • 3 weeks later...

can remember us having a crying boy picture in the early eighties, not had it long hanging on front wall above gas fire, when the gas fire fell off the wall, gave the dog a bit of a scare as he was laid on the rug under the fire. At this time we were not aware of the stories about these pictures. Moved house about two years later and mum picked up the crying girl to match. This was at the time when all the stories were coming out about these pictures assosciated with unexplained fires. Yes we had a fire in this house, the electrics caught fire in the cellar,luckily fire brigade were called before it got too serious. The firemen remarked on our two pictures they said it was the third fire in a week they had tended that also had the pictures. Now I don't know whether there is any basis to this urban myth or whether it is coincidence but I remember thinking I was quite glad someone was in the house at the time of these fires or it could have been much worse.

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