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Leadmill! how amazing is this place ??

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I like Leadmill a lot, its one of the only places people can go without having to worry IMO. Plug is also very good in the sense there doesn't seem to be much fighting/robbery going on in there either. Only really go to Leadmill on student night on a monday but i always have such a laugh!!

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This place is great, it has been one of my favourite clubs since I moved here fifteen years ago. Rarely go not, but over the last five years, they employ the worst bouncers ever experienced. They are bossy and aggessive and throw their weight about. One night they wouldn't let a friend in saying he was drunk, fair enough, but who wasn't in that queue, he wasn't saying or doing anything. Minutes later he let three underage girls (fact my friend taught them) in tiny dresses, who had abeen necking wine or spirits in teh queues. When we tried to challenge this he tried to have a go and threaten us. I asked to see his manager and he became a lot worse. I have seen them behave far worse with other people. When I phoned to discuss this with the manager, they were unwilling to discuss it. I think the owners need to watch what is going on

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the bouncers arnt ***** they are a right giggle when you get to know em


That's cause your not a bloke. I've had a bald one (that I'd never seen before) several mondays ago point blank refuse to let me and my friends in for no good reason, which really let me down because I like the place and it was a mates birthday and all our other mates were waiting inside, but we had to go elsewhere (although it did turn out to be one of the best nights out I've ever had in sheffield in the end). I also had that small black haired podgy looking bulldog one (who's usually grumpy as) threaten me and poor my (full) drink away (when I wasn't even intoxicated before anyone says it) because the smoking ban had just come in and I didn't realise you couldn't take your drinks outside. Otherwise all the other staff seem fair enough. Stuff like this does put you off, and I did mean to either make a thread on the refusal of entry or contact the leadmill but totally forgot! :mad:

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That's cause your not a bloke. I've had a bald one (that I'd never seen before) several mondays ago point blank refuse to let me and my friends in for no good reason, which really let me down because I like the place and it was a mates birthday and all our other mates were waiting inside, but we had to go elsewhere (although it did turn out to be one of the best nights out I've ever had in sheffield in the end). I also had that small black haired podgy looking bulldog one (who's usually grumpy as) threaten me and poor my (full) drink away (when I wasn't even intoxicated before anyone says it) because the smoking ban had just come in and I didn't realise you couldn't take your drinks outside. Otherwise all the other staff seem fair enough. Stuff like this does put you off, and I did mean to either make a thread on the refusal of entry or contact the leadmill but totally forgot! :mad:


Hit the nail on the head there, all the overs can have a good laugh but the two you have just mentioned seem to be on powertrips.

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Glad someone else agrees, it's very easy to become the the person moaning over nothing having had one bad experience when they were more than likely off there heads. Which I know I'm not these two were genuinely out of order.

Well I'm possibly going on Friday (if I can get saturday off) for a mate's birthday so I'll see how it goes. Usually have a good night :)

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