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Would the kind people of this group like to help a rescue centre?


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... by writing an article for the Rain Rescue newsletter.


Rain Rescue has had a bit of a heavy month with vets bills, and the coffers are looking rather short of the bills we're going to have in, but one method we have of fundraising is selling newsletters


if you have had an experience of pet ownership (if it's a rescue pet - even better, but not essential), then can you write us a short article please?


It can either be a factual experience, a humourous tale, or a complete work of fiction (like a conversation between your two dogs planning to tear the house to shreds when you're out ;) )


Sorry if this isn't the usual sort of thing the group does, and I'm overstepping the mark here, but we're in need and I know some of your group are animal lovers :)

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Thanks Coyleys :)


will we find real names on these somewhere so we can credit you guys in the newsletters?


Credit mine to Mick Coyle.

I'm just glad I can Help. :thumbsup:


Or; I don’t mind if you credit it to “Sheffield Forum Writers Group” it’s a bit of publicity for us.

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