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First in being rude

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First drivers are rude.


I've started learning a few bus services to avoid using my car, and to be honest i might aswell use my car! lol, i don't know how long i have to be in Sheffield before i can start to slag of.. the transport but when you ask for the fair prices to meadowhall, i just want the price not being told that im holding up the line (of two people) and should read the information provided on the bus'. When i said this is my first bus ride he said it's not his fault.



So im just looking up on the website to be in the know..

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I think most bus drivers are rude, but there are some exceptions!


Most first time visitors slag off the transport so I wouldnt feel bad about it :-)


Its shocking. At to that the fact the roads are like some kind of assault course its not gonna be for the faint hearted!

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I will not use public transport these days.

I have personally known a couple of drivers who are great people, however their manner is greatly overshadowed by the rude, aggressive nature of others who seem to take a personal disliking to everyone (or is it just me) and life in general for all intents and purposes. Most of the time I have used a bus the driver doesn't utter a word -which I can deal with, even when I say "morning" as I get on at the terminus. After passing the driver however to take a seat you then have the delightful options of sitting in / on / or next to something offensive in some way. There is only a limited amount of times you can feel threatenned before it is a common sence choice not to be around a set situation. I would like to do my bit for the environment and all but not when I have to go this far to do it. We all have limits.


I have had my share of grief on first buses too OP.

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