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New Tune to hit the dance floors!!!


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it's a little generic, in sounds, structure, tempo, and quantisation. Also the bass/lead sound needs EQing and compressing, and the piano riff is too dry.


Not a bad effort though, for the kind of music that it is...these DJs demanding copies don't happen to be your mates, do they? :)

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Thanks Carl mate, glad you like it:)


Thanks for your feedback John, No not mates of mine, I played it at Crasher in Leeds last month and a few DJ's that were playing before and after my set wanted to know what the tune was, when I told them it was my own, they wanted me to do them promo copies.


Same thing happened when I played at Nylon, got a couple of DJ's asking for the title of the track and when I said it was my own they asked for a copy.


Its really hard to master the track, any recommendations where I can take it???

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there are a few places, but you're probably best doing it yourself, and its pretty close anyways...


i would eq the bass so it has a lot more bottom end to it, boost the higher frequencies for the drums, and that filtered vocal loop might sound good if it was panning left to right in the mix.


With compression, just try a bit on the bass sound, so the notes are a bit more uniform in volume, and then pop a bit on the overall mix, to add a hint of the 'in/out' pulse, and to keep it all together.


Its all a bit of a trial and error process, unless you know all the theory. Which I dont at all!


There are some mastering plug-ins you can get hold of too, and whacking a little of that on the mix can add a little sparkle to the track, a little space between the sounds, etc.


You must be right into the old early to mid 90s vocal house...my brother would have loved something like this at one point (on his old Pro 150s, ha)


Yeah, not really my thing (probably cos it was always blaring out the bedroom next to mine!) hence the slightly negative comments, but it is definately good for the amount of time you have been doing stuff, and that particular genre of house.


I'm about a decade and a bit into doing my music and only just getting it sorted...and some of the rubbish i was subjecting mates too over the first few years...bloody hell!


All the best:)

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Thanks again John, your a comments are a big help. I've noticed that my ear for sounds in music are developing all the time.


Will do some touching up to the track like you said cus I think it will definatley be beneficial.


Thanks again matey!!!:)

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