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Cineworld Cinema Club?

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Hello all!


I was wondering whether there was any Cinema club at the Cineworld cinema in Centertainment? (too many c's there)


It seems like there should be, for the unlimited card holders...how many times have you wanted to go and see a film but no one can make it or afford to go? - and let's face it, sitting on your own in the Showroom is acceptable, but sometimes you feel a little silly in a massive cinema!


I love independent and world cinema, but I also like to go and see the latest blockbuster...does anyone know of a cinema club?


I saw the other movie club thread but I thought I'd start one here just in case people missed the other one!



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I don't think there is. There have been a few cinema meets setup via the forum though (usually in entertainment chat I think). If you want to meet up with other people you could even suggest a film to see.

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Hi Vicky.

We had a meet a couple of weeks ago - Total number me and another forummer. But we had a group before and we can get one going again. I think you just need to bite the bullet, suggest a time and a film rather than offering suggestions as it seems more people then tell you when they can't come than they can! Then it's up to people if they come.



(p.s. I can't do any day this week but i could do Sat/Sun at a pinch) :hihi:

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