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WW2 bomb going off in Killamarsh 1970's/80's

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There was also the powder magazine that got blown up at Westhorpe Pit, but that was earlier, probably in the early sixties. That killed at least one man and possibly two, and another got sent to prison for helping with it.

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Originally posted by brummy_tracy

Does any one know if it was reported in any news papers?

Just want some proof to show an unbeliever.


Cheers for all your info guys

Dunno if it was in the papers,but(not much help i know) but i think a warning to expect an explosion at the given time was put out on the radio.

Are there any online newspaper archives available? like in the library.

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Originally posted by Dirtydog

Are you sure it wasn't a year or two earlier? I lived in Frecheville at the time,remember hearing a distant bang and been told it was a WW2 bomb being detonated. However we moved away from Frecheville in early '78.

Yeah i would have said it was before '79,maybe even 1976?

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Originally posted by deano

Yeah i would have said it was before '79,maybe even 1976?


It cant of been too early in the 70's or I wouldnt remember it so vividly.

76 is a bit too early for me to remember, It must of been around 77-79.

It must also of been a weekend or a school holiday.

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Originally posted by brummy_tracy

People just dont believe me when I tell them that there was a WW2 bomb that went off in Killamarsh.

I was only young and cant remember what year it was, they were open casting Rother Valley Park when they found it in the old marshes.

It was supposed to be a controlled explosion but it was more powerfull than they expected, blasting out many windows on Sheffield Road.

They had put flares up to warn people to get clear, so being young and stupid my friends and I went to see what the fireworks were about.

We were in gardens behind the houses on Sheffield Road on the Rother Valley Side when the blast hit us, it knocked us off our feet. I ran home in tears thinking the world had ended.

Please someone tell me I havent made all this up, it was one very vivid dream if I have.


You are right, I lived on Sheffield Road at the time, above Baumforths shop. I was at work when it happened but I heard the Bang in Sheffield City Centre. The house opposite ours, overlooking the opencast site had some windows blown out. An old chap opposite us, had his windows blown out and his bed collapse with him in it.


Anyone remember the gas cloud around the same time which drifted from a leak at Stavely Chemicals?. Sulphuric acid I think. It was anounced on the NEW Radio Hallam for all Killamarsh residents to stay inside and close the windows. We were stuck in for hours before the police came with loud hailers to give us the all clear. Then Leigh enviromental came along !!!!! and the rest is history.

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