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Forced marriages in the news again

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It makes me wonder how easily I could get away with telling school/social services that a child of mine had gone to stay, permanently, with relatives overseas.


It sometimes seems that once again, people who should know better are willing to accept on other people's behalf (due to their 'religion' or 'culture') things that they'd view with horror if it were to be suggested they or theirs might be subject to it.


I remember being told about a certain section of Sheffield immigrants either sending girls back to the 'old country' or to private surgeons for the foul and abhorrent practice of female genital mutilation. They didn't want to come down hard on the practice for fear of upsetting the 'sensibilities' of these people! Sensibilities? hardly a word I'd have chosen to describe parents who'd inflict this on their daughters.


It's the same with the shipping daughters out to marry a random stranger in another country, the authorities could clamp down on it and stop it, but they don't really think it matters what happens to these girls, because of the culture they happen to have been born into, imo. It's disgraceful. All English girls should be equally valued, no matter what their background.

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oh dear p/t,you havent done much to put your case foreward in a good light,you try to suggest that there could be biased opinion from somebody by asking if they were only days under sixteen or are they really years under sixteen,a lot of the stuff on the net from different sources says many of the girls really are under sixteen by a long way

then in defence of these marriages you say that should the bride be found wanting,or unsuitable then the man has the right to veto,he isnt buying a dog or a car,its a human ,why should the bride be unsuitable? is there a warranty on her?


it appears that the woman is nothing more than a bought object to be returned to seller if she doesnt fit the criteria.


im sorry to nit pick or point things out but i speak as i find and forced marriages are totally out of order,far better for a couple to get to know each other,see if they have common interests before talking wedding plans,other than that its a customer buying an item,which means once bought it belongs to the owner,its their property, no one should be the property of another should they ?

My bold


I think you'll find that what PT actually said applied to men as well as women:


"And incidentally, in Islam, if a prospective bride or bridegroom is brought to the other party in the prospective wedding, and they are "found wanting" or "unsuitable" they have the right to veto, or reject them, and not be forced)" My bold


I don't think misinterpreting another Forumer's post in this way is a terribly effective way of refuting what they have to say. And it severely weakens any argument you put forward against their point of view.

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My bold


I think you'll find that what PT actually said applied to men as well as women:


"And incidentally, in Islam, if a prospective bride or bridegroom is brought to the other party in the prospective wedding, and they are "found wanting" or "unsuitable" they have the right to veto, or reject them, and not be forced)" My bold


I don't think misinterpreting another Forumer's post in this way is a terribly effective way of refuting what they have to say. And it severely weakens any argument you put forward against their point of view.


nice try to distract from the topic,ok i put man,thats because it all seems to revolve round the man,ok i was probably wrong,i should have but intended spouse ,there was no intention of pulling apart p/t's post,just pointing out how it read ,there was no argument to weaken,if you care to look at both p/t and my start dates you will see that we have both been on here for quite a few years and never once had an argument or even a very heated discussion,and i'm sure after so many years of seeing each others posts that p/t is quite capable of posting a reply if she took any offence

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It sometimes seems that once again, people who should know better are willing to accept on other people's behalf (due to their 'religion' or 'culture') things that they'd view with horror if it were to be suggested they or theirs might be subject to it.


I remember being told about a certain section of Sheffield immigrants either sending girls back to the 'old country' or to private surgeons for the foul and abhorrent practice of female genital mutilation. They didn't want to come down hard on the practice for fear of upsetting the 'sensibilities' of these people! Sensibilities? hardly a word I'd have chosen to describe parents who'd inflict this on their daughters.


It's the same with the shipping daughters out to marry a random stranger in another country, the authorities could clamp down on it and stop it, but they don't really think it matters what happens to these girls, because of the culture they happen to have been born into, imo. It's disgraceful. All English girls should be equally valued, no matter what their background.


Very well said, totally agree.

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Our western values do not allow a young teenage girl to be snatched from her home and all that is familiar to her in order to be 'legally' raped by a man who is more than likely a complete stranger and often many years older than she is.


That's a bit odd I can see a few websites that seem to be selling brides to Western men, sharely our values and laws cannot allow this:huh:

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(And incidentally, in Islam, if a prospective bride or bridegroom is brought to the other party in the prospective wedding, and they are "found wanting" or "unsuitable" they have the right to veto, or reject them, and not be forced)


In reality that's a load of crap and you know it :rolleyes:

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....(And incidentally, in Islam, if a prospective bride or bridegroom is brought to the other party in the prospective wedding, and they are "found wanting" or "unsuitable" they have the right to veto, or reject them, and not be forced)


Of course, then later on, she is taken to a dark place, and strangled.

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I also think that this is disgraceful but lets not turn this into a muslim bashing thread. It is not a religous thing or even a muslim thing, to say so ignores the problems that exist in the Indian sub continent. I know a few Christians from India and they have all had arranged marriages.


Our thoughts should be with these poor young girls and boys, and this should not be used as an excuse to attack muslims.

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In reality that's a load of crap and you know it :rolleyes:


upholder plaintalker is correct its a shame these ignorant people follow there customs before Islam and even justify there actions by using religion like 'obey thy mother and father' or something along these lines to mentally or physically bully there child to marry. sad but true.

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I also think that this is disgraceful but lets not turn this into a muslim bashing thread. It is not a religous thing or even a muslim thing, to say so ignores the problems that exist in the Indian sub continent. I know a few Christians from India and they have all had arranged marriages.


Our thoughts should be with these poor young girls and boys, and this should not be used as an excuse to attack muslims.


'arranged' and 'forced' are two horses of quite different colours, though. I don't think anyone is saying anything about arranged marriages, just that schoolgirls are going missing from our country and the implication is that they are being forced into marriage in another country.

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