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Can we start laughing at Leeds United yet?


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No pit of depression here. Had a top weekend in London, got to visit the new Wembley stadium. Was part of an amazing support (Doncaster were embarrasing, couldn't even sell their allocation). Yes, it's disapppointing that we didn't go up but if you had offered me the play off final at the start of the season I'd have taken it being -15 at the start. The signs are already there for a succesful tilt at the Div 1 title next season (new players signing, existing ones extending contracts). Onwards and upwards as they say.


I love this post.


This is up there with:


"I didn't trip, I meant to fall on my face deliberately on purpose."




"No, I'm not fired, I quit"




"No, you're dumped, I dumped you 10 minutes ago but I didn't tell you, and I didn't really want to go out with you in the first place"

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I think that regardless of how Zomoniac tries to paint a lovely picture of Leeds (as you'd expect - I paint a lovely picture of Wednesday although I know it's not necessarily true), the bottom line is that SO MANY people hate Leeds that we can't all be wrong.


If it were just a few local rivals then maybe that would be understandable, but everyone hates Leeds, for a multitude of reasons, and no amount of PR is going to change the fact that they are universally despised. So you really are wasting your time Zomoniac.

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I love this post.


This is up there with:


"I didn't trip, I meant to fall on my face deliberately on purpose."




"No, I'm not fired, I quit"




"No, you're dumped, I dumped you 10 minutes ago but I didn't tell you, and I didn't really want to go out with you in the first place"


So if you were the firm outsiders in the league (IIRC Ladbrokes were offering 800/1 on us winning the league at the start of the season, with the next lowest team being 100/1 or something), and had a choice between the expected battle at the bottom, or losing the play-off final which would you choose? That we lost on Sunday was obviously disappointing, but there are very few people who last August thought we stood a chance of finishing in the top half, let alone the top six.


But since it seems that in your eyes anything we achieve is through luck or irrelevance or cheating or something, evidently this is an unwinnable battle.

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I think that regardless of how Zomoniac tries to paint a lovely picture of Leeds (as you'd expect - I paint a lovely picture of Wednesday although I know it's not necessarily true), the bottom line is that SO MANY people hate Leeds that we can't all be wrong.


If it were just a few local rivals then maybe that would be understandable, but everyone hates Leeds, for a multitude of reasons, and no amount of PR is going to change the fact that they are universally despised. So you really are wasting your time Zomoniac.


That may be so, but the point I'm trying to make is that just because a couple of hundred of our so-called supporters see fit to start riots and mock tragedies, it isn't really fair to assume the generalisation that all Leeds fans are thugs. Most of us just want to watch some football.


Prior to moving to Sheffield I always had a soft spot for Wednesday. They were the team most people at my school supported, and I always got the impression the Wednesday were the pleasant team where families would take their kids for a day out and United were the team that attracted the tattooed skinheads. But after spending Sunday in the pub with my Leeds shirt on I was shocked at the hostility I got from Wednesday fans who were shouting out abuse and supporting Doncaster for no other reason than to see us lose. I'm sort of amused that some people are so sad they'll go out of their way to watch a game with a team they don't support just to abuse them, not really caring about the game, but also somewhat saddened that I have to suffer this because a few sad losers occassionally sing songs about a fire or a plane crash.

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So if you were the firm outsiders in the league (IIRC Ladbrokes were offering 800/1 on us winning the league at the start of the season, with the next lowest team being 100/1 or something), and had a choice between the expected battle at the bottom, or losing the play-off final which would you choose? That we lost on Sunday was obviously disappointing, but there are very few people who last August thought we stood a chance of finishing in the top half, let alone the top six.


But since it seems that in your eyes anything we achieve is through luck or irrelevance or cheating or something, evidently this is an unwinnable battle.


I think if you look back on WYEXILE's many other posts over the course of this season, you'll see he predicts on many occasions that Leeds would get promoted, and also that they would easliy despatch with Donny.


They didn't.


And has he come and admitted that he was badly wrong and they failed?


No, he tries to paint a picture that is almost along the lines of losing the play off final being his ideal outcome.

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I think if you look back on WYEXILE's many other posts over the course of this season, you'll see he predicts on many occasions that Leeds would get promoted, and also that they would easliy despatch with Donny.


They didn't.


And has he come and admitted that he was badly wrong and they failed?


No, he tries to paint a picture that is almost along the lines of losing the play off final being his ideal outcome.


I'm a n00b here, so I can't comment on him. At the start of the season before the first ball had been kicked I thought there was a very real chance of us going down if we didn't have our deduction overturned. Come Christmas when we'd take 51 points from a possible 60 (even though were were only on 36) and were one point off the top, I thought it was an absolute given that we would walk the league and finish top by miles. Then after a terrible run when we were down to 9th and 6 points off the play-offs at the end of February I didn't think we had a hope in hell of a top 6 finish.


So my view, and I think it is shared by most of us, is that it's gutting we didn't make it up, but all things considered we should be impressed with what we did accomplish this season.

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I think if you look back on WYEXILE's many other posts over the course of this season, you'll see he predicts on many occasions that Leeds would get promoted, and also that they would easliy despatch with Donny.


They didn't.


And has he come and admitted that he was badly wrong and they failed?


No, he tries to paint a picture that is almost along the lines of losing the play off final being his ideal outcome.


And you think I'm going to come on here and fall on my sword in front of you lot? You must be madder than I thought you were.

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Anyone see Look Leeds tonight? They spent more time focusing on Rob Douglas' tackle that stopped a second goal and the chance they had after about 3 minutes than they did on showing Doncaster!! They replayed the tackle more times than the Donny goal!!!!


I'd check on Wikipedia if you want to start quoting history. You've won less top league titles and less cup trophies than Wednesday. And nobody gets anything for coming second. And no one is interested in winning the old second division - that's just best of a bad bunch. You only get recognition for winning the top league - something you've done once in 30 years and only 3 times overall - less than Wednesday.


So that's a list which shows why you've no reason to be either arrogant or even proud, yet you still all are. which is why we hate you.





'the most attractive football in the country' :huh::hihi: No arrogance there then!!

Thats one thing that gets me about Leeds fans. They haven't really won much at all and they include finishing 2nd in their honours list!!!!


We haven't won much I admit but we've won the FA Cup more times than them, 4 for us and only 1 for Leeds I believe. You also made a very good point in another post about them only picking a certain period of time on which to show how much more succesful they were than the rest of Yorkshire, like you say, the last 5 years, most of Yorkshire has been better than them.

And also mainly because every away ground I go the home fans start a rousing chorus of "if you hate Man U stand up".

Seriously? I've been to about 60 away games in the last 6 years or so and I must say, I can't ever recall hearing anyone sing "Stand up if you hate Man U"

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