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Can we start laughing at Leeds United yet?


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Nice try, but the US has lots of big cities, all of which are irrelevant on the world stage at just about any major sport you care to mention, never mind football.


We'll let you top the European league for ratio of city size to footballing irrelevance though.....;)


Bah. Damn Yanks ruining everything with their ignorance as usual :)

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I've got a feeling they will sneak in to the playoffs-and probably win them this time.:mad:


You have more faith in us than I do. We excel in failure. We're very good at finishing second in tournaments, except lower leagues where second place is good enough, where we lose playoff finals :)

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  • 2 months later...
I've got a feeling they will sneak in to the playoffs-and probably win them this time.:mad:


It's a proud day for all true football fans as we look at the league tables and see Leeds United stuck in the lower divisions for yet another season, and few could doubt that they richly deserve it. And with much stronger teams coming down from the Championship this year in Norwich, Southampton and Charlton, it'll be much more difficult for them to get back.


With a bit of luck Leeds may even be facing a relegation battle next season as what few decent players they've got leave and fans boycott the club in protest at having to pay £25-30 to watch third tier football.


Last night they were dreaming of going to the likes of Newcastle, Boro and the two Sheffield clubs next season. This morning they know instead they'll be visiting the likes of Brentford, Wycombe and Exeter. Ho ho!


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It's a proud day for all true football fans as we look at the league tables and see Leeds United stuck in the lower divisions for yet another season, and few could doubt that they richly deserve it. And with much stronger teams coming down from the Championship this year in Norwich, Southampton and Charlton, it'll be much more difficult for them to get back.


With a bit of luck Leeds may even be facing a relegation battle next season as what few decent players they've got leave and fans boycott the club in protest at having to pay £25-30 to watch third tier football.


Last night they were dreaming of going to the likes of Newcastle, Boro and the two Sheffield clubs next season. This morning they know instead they'll be visiting the likes of Brentford, Wycombe and Exeter. Ho ho!



Whilst I don't want to deny you your opportunity to gloat, and you must be loving it, surely any non-Leeds obsessed fan can see that the only club more loathsome and dirty than my own is Millwall? Not wishing to be a sore loser, but I really hope the winner of tonight's semi-final batters them at Wembley. I was held up outside the ground by police so their fans could be escorted into the stadium by many police on horseback, as their fans attempted to break through the barriers to start fights (860 of them vs 37,000 of us, clearly a bit over-confident!). I've never seen such a set of thugs in my life. They make the worst of our fans look like angels.


On the pitch they were worse. A booking that should've been a red within 20 seconds. Once they got their goal, their keeper took over a minute to take every single goal kick, I was surprised the fans behind the goal didn't run on to take it for him. It was also the only game I've been to where a player who wasn't playing was booked. In injury time the ball went out for a Leeds throw-in by the bench. A Millwall sub picked up the ball and held it for a good 20 seconds before throwing it to the screaming Leeds player. I've never witnessed a Leeds player (or any other player for that matter) show such disregard for sportsmanship.


Last night we were clearly the better team, we passed around well but at times gave the ball away too easily, too many players showed a complete lack of commitment (Beckford was a lazy disgrace, only Snodgrass, Robinson and Becchio actually looked like they wanted to win the match) and despite plenty of decent possession in midfield we created very few decent chances. That said, we were so bad in the away leg on Saturday that I think on the whole they were the better team over two legs and deserved to go through. Had it been any other team, I would have taken defeat gracefully. I don't mind losing to the better team, I didn't mind losing to Doncaster last year when they beat us fairly and were much better than us. But I was so incensed by the behaviour of both their fans and players that it's hard not to feel a bit bitter.


Next year will be hard, there are some big teams joining us, and we'll be losing Beckford and Delph no doubt (although if they play anything like they did last night then it won't be a big loss), but I'm trying to remain positive. It's Grayson's first full season in charge, and he's done great things (if we'd had the points/games ratio we've had since Grayson took over across the whole season we'd have finished 1st). I'm just hoping we can keep hold of Sam Sodje, who's been brilliant for us and the reason we didn't lose by more on Saturday.


Hopefully this will finally get some of our more deluded fans (no names mentioned) into the realisation that we are now a League 1 club. This isn't a temporary blip, we've had two attempts to get out of it now and shown twice that we're not up to the job. We might have the best stadium and the best support, but without the best players and the best team that doesn't really count for much. For all Beckford's talent, he doesn't look like he cares. We will fare better with a team of people who want to win than a team full of skillful egos. It's like Berbatov and Tevez at Man Utd (only a bit less good). Berbatov is obviously the better footballer, but he's lazy and does nothing unless everyone else does the hard work for him, and the fans hate him. Tevez is technically one of Man Utd's least able players, but he makes up for it by playing every game like his life depends on it and the fans love him and it gets the other players going as well. If we get rid of the egos, make some solid signings and regroup we can make a decent go of it next season.


Love from,


A depressed but surprisingly optimistic and philosophical Leeds fan.

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