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John Leslie freed

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I read absolutely no newspaper what so ever.


News on TV is rare, so I am not so familiar to this case.


All I know was that quite a few reported to the police and one by one they dropped the charges.


What do you think happened here?

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It's probably the end of John Leslie's TV career...not that it's such a great loss (except to daytime TV ;) )


On the one hand, his supporters says 'innocent until proven guilty' while his accusers say 'No smoke without fire'


I have nothing against the guy, but he is too cheesy, even for British daytime TV and if he isn't on TV again, well I won't be shedding any tears.


Nevertheless, expect his tearful side of the story to be plastered in all the trashy TV ragmags for the next 6 months!


If Ulrika can capitalise on misfortune, then why not he :)


Many thanks

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John Leslie is most certainly a ladies man and I have no problem with that, he is young, good looking and had plenty of money whilst he was working. A good catch for the ladies eh?


However, all the complaints against him were of a sexual nature and his enomous appetite for sexual deviancy, well, that is not a crime is it? it sounds to me like sour grapes from these women, they were willing participants weren't they? only making accusations at a later date.


Personally, I blame the women concerned and whatever happened between them and John Leslie was private and they asked for all they got, it is no use screaming rape after they had enjoyed his company and then he moved on. HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A WOMAN SCORNED.

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I haven't really been following the case.. I remember reading a newspaper a couple of months back about him being accused to sex scandals and such and he wanted to go to the This Morning studio and claim his innocence on television. The bosses wouldn't let him, and later sacked him I believe from presenting This Morning and replaced him with Phillip Schofield.


Then I just breifly changed the channel to the news and saw that the charges had been dropped and he made an emotional statement to the press about the justice system showing his innocence. I can't see him getting back into presenting morning television after everything that has happened (mainly because bosses would be afraid of the show being given an "image"), but as mentioned it isn't really a great loss is it?

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Originally posted by Abby

Nevertheless, expect his tearful side of the story to be plastered in all the trashy TV ragmags for the next 6 months!


You must be an oracle Abby........he is selling his side of the story for a few million!!!

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He has not been found not guilty by a jury. The case has been dropped. Entirely different kettle of fish. Ulrika should either say Joh Leslie assaulted her or no he did not. She owes him that even though she never accused him. People in the media have been aware of Leslie's behaviour towards women for some time. He was always in the gossip columns (3am girls The Mirror) and I was not surprised when Matthew Wright named him.

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I think Halavan says it all that i believe these women have sour grapes.

Although John lesley was found not guilty thats because there was'nt enough evidence to convict him it does not mean to say he did not do it and unfortunately mud sticks and people will say well did he or did'nt he.

Its like saying someone who has no criminal record is trustworthy and would do no wrong, but a lot of people without records are the biggest crookes of all but its just that they have'nt been caught.

Maybe he did maybe he did'nt do it but he has been cleared of all charges and women who are raped by law should be made to report it after the offence and not come forward when someone else starts the ball going.

He is a catch for the ladies and personally think they tried to ruin his charactor which really they have succeeded to do as no woman will look at him in the same way but regarding his career he should be allowed back on prime time T.V and i find him a proffesional in his game and T.V is worse without him.

I would sue the arse of every one that accused him for defination of charactor.

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