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The Old Foxhill school

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Does anyone remeber the old prefabs at foxhill nursery infant and junior school? I attended from1966 before it moved to the "new school" around 1970 I would love to see any photos of the old place I have looked on picture sheffield but cant see any


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I went to this school, I would have started in 1966 cause i was 5 then, I also remember going to the new school in 1970.

The old school was horrible, i was in mrs coopers class, then mrs southern, mrs greener, mrs pashley and mrs parkin, I proberbly was in your class.

I lived in the maisonettes on foxhill ave.

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Thanks for the reply its great to know someone else remembers it being horrible!! I can remember mice running around the class room and we thought the old air raid shelters were haunted. I was in Miss Bexley, Miss Stills (I think) Miss Sutherland (she got married but I cant remember her name), Mrs White in the old school and then Miss Pashley, Mrs Parkin Mr Youle and the head teacher was Mr Parkin who had a bendy cane to smack the boys. There was a really scary Mr Reville who used to play the piano and scared the living daylights out of me and a scary old Miss who taught needlework . And do you remember Miss Bowie in the new school she was a bit strange!!! I lived on Foxhill Crescent and have seen some old school friends over the years I know it was old and horrible but I would love to find some photos of the old school I will let you know if I come across any


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hi, hope you got my pm,

I remember most of the teachers names you mention, my favourite was mrs Sothern ( or sutherland) she used to let me brush her hair while waiting in the queue to have our books marked. I too used to think the school was haunted, used to be scared to go sometimes. I think mrs moorcroft was the old needlework teacher,I dont remember mrs bowie though. I dont think any photos of the school exist, ive searched a few websites but no luck. it would be great to see some though.

The new school was fab though, even though a bit strange with classrooms divided by blackboards, and the quiet rooms !

good days, hard to believe over 40 years ago, scarey.

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