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The secret life of internet forums - people who make up aliases

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Firstly, this is not a naming usernames thread - it will simply be closed down.


I am interested, from a psychological viewpoint, on why people, and possibly there are some on these very boards now, create user accounts or aliases to fuel an entire fantasy world, even going to the extent of making up friends, jobs and lifestlyes that simply don't exist.


Have you ever come across this before, be it here or possibly other walks of life? Have you ever been on the receiving end of a hoax? Have you ever rumbled someone? Have you ever noticed a contributor with a similar writing style re surface as someone else? What do you think drives such actions?


Again, please do not name names, as the thread will be closed.

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No, although for a stupid paranoid reason I do actually have my Facebook account in the name of Ruby Dazzler!


This hiding behind a screen thang is one reason why I'd only ever really trust someone I've met, to be a 'real' person. The rest could be anyone. I've been online for quite a number of years now and the sheer animosity and viciousness that can be displayed by some online personalities and the lengths they'll go to to cause aggro and trouble for people has to be experienced to be believed.

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There are 2 or 3 users on here I have encountered who have been questionable to say the least, and have clearly fabricated their occupation and I daresay their avatar photo.


It comes to something when you can't even spell what you do for a living, and don't know the name of the road where you work.

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There are 2 or 3 users on here I have encountered who have been questionable to say the least, and have clearly fabricated their occupation and I daresay their avatar photo.


It comes to something when you can't even spell what you do for a living, and don't know the name of the road where you work.


I have no idea who you are referring to, does it really bother you that much? if someone wants to 'invent' themselves on here and tell me a pack of porkies, then i feel very sorry for them. They arent hurting me in any way but they must have a sorrowful existence to feel the need to lie

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We all know of one troll who comes on here under different user names, don't we ;) Very articulate, supposed to have been in the army, someone Rich has a pathological hatred of? ;) I think most of them do it just to troll - nothing they say is true, they most likely live in the spare room at their mum's house.



I know the poster you refer to, and actually he IS in the forces (not the Army though).


He does not live in the spare room of his mothers house either.

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Firstly, this is not a naming usernames thread - it will simply be closed down.


[ ... snip ...]


Again, please do not name names, as the thread will be closed.


I think some folks will treat that as a challenge, Mike. :)


It's an interesting issue. There are soem folks who need to use aliases on sites to avoid issues surrounding their jobs, but I've always wondered what the Net would be like if we all had to at least register our real name with the site administrators of every site we posted on - or with a third party system.


A lot of the unpleasantness would, I'm sure, disappear when it was obvious that soemone literally did know where you lived. :)


I have to say I'm always wary of people with user names that are either deliberately abusive, offensive or that try to be funny. There are too many people around with what's called the 'shadow trickster' archetype (Jungian psychology) - great interest in causing mischief for mischief's sake, like the Norse god Loki, or the role that Monkeys play in Chinese mythology.

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