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The secret life of internet forums - people who make up aliases

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mine was made in error but i just kept it


What does it come from? I have to admit I have difficulty with usernames that I can't say in my head like *a word*. :(


I find it intriguing to try and put a handle on the characters on the Forum from their posts. A bit of fantasy makes you lot all the more interesting and adds to the mystery.


It's even more interesting when you meet forummers in real life and find out just how much some of them are hiding of themselves compared to how they present themselves on the forum. :nod:

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It's even more interesting when you meet forummers in real life and find out just how much some of them are hiding of themselves compared to how they present themselves on the forum. :nod:


That sounds like me purdyamos, in real life I am shy and quiet, probably why I have never been to a meet - I would feel uncomfortable.

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Im the same in real life as I am here, unfortunately for my family, neighbours and OH.

I dont have the imagination to make anything up- I wish I had, because Id like to come across as a sane and sober individual.

Trouble is, my true colours come shining through





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I used to use a chat room a long long time ago and it's now defunct.

Anyway, some fella in there by the name of Chosen1 used to flirt quite a lot, which was fine and he and I developed a rapport. Well, him being psycho and me being me, he decided to test how much I was inclined to flirt with people, which was very little at all really. There had been a group of regular users who chatted all the time for quite a while and we all knew each other as well as some of the regs on SF.

Anyway, he used to log in a talk to me as various people and I would be none the wiser until I eventually noticed his style and choice of words.

I realised he was a nutter at that point and bagn to cut down on chats. He got nuttier.

Eventually he turned up at a meet in London and was even worse than I ever imagined. He described himself as average height, muscular, dark and handsome.

In fact he was about 4ft 8 in, a distinctly rotund figure, similar features to Jabba The Hut and greasy as hell.

A complete loony who had developed some sort of possesive streak via the internet.:loopy::loopy:



He sounds really nutty. There are many nutters on the Internet, people think they can get away with their fantasties. Eventually they get caught.

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