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The secret life of internet forums - people who make up aliases

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I used to use a chat room a long long time ago and it's now defunct.

Anyway, some fella in there by the name of Chosen1 used to flirt quite a lot, which was fine and he and I developed a rapport. Well, him being psycho and me being me, he decided to test how much I was inclined to flirt with people, which was very little at all really. There had been a group of regular users who chatted all the time for quite a while and we all knew each other as well as some of the regs on SF.

Anyway, he used to log in a talk to me as various people and I would be none the wiser until I eventually noticed his style and choice of words.

I realised he was a nutter at that point and bagn to cut down on chats. He got nuttier.

Eventually he turned up at a meet in London and was even worse than I ever imagined. He described himself as average height, muscular, dark and handsome.

In fact he was about 4ft 8 in, a distinctly rotund figure, similar features to Jabba The Hut and greasy as hell.

A complete loony who had developed some sort of possesive streak via the internet.:loopy::loopy:

Jabba the hut or Jabba the Wockey:D:D....sorry Jabs couldnt resist it

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Firstly, this is not a naming usernames thread - it will simply be closed down.


I am interested, from a psychological viewpoint, on why people, and possibly there are some on these very boards now, create user accounts or aliases to fuel an entire fantasy world, even going to the extent of making up friends, jobs and lifestlyes that simply don't exist.


Have you ever come across this before, be it here or possibly other walks of life? Have you ever been on the receiving end of a hoax? Have you ever rumbled someone? Have you ever noticed a contributor with a similar writing style re surface as someone else? What do you think drives such actions?


Again, please do not name names, as the thread will be closed.




Yes I have , it was when I first started using the internet , I joined a forum and met a group of people , there were a couple of young fellas who used to chat to me and my friends , I liked them a lot , it later turned out that every single thing they had said ( one more than the other ) was lies , even lying about a friends death , he made up a son that he supposedly had custody of , It was my son who caught him out lol he was showing me pictures of his supposedly Italian brother ( I am 43 ) this fella was 20 something , cant remember now , anyway he was showing pictures , my son walked in the room and said " oh thats blah blah out of the band blah blah " I was totally confused. When I confronted him he tried to get around it but failed miserably . I realised how naive I had been in believing everything id been told by people on the internet , at the time it had upset me as im a very truthful person and what u see is what u get , but in the long run it did me a favour and made me wise up to the way of the internet . I have made some very good loyal true friends via here but these days im very wary and wont get too involved with anyone .I will happily chat to anyone and if they told me they had two eyes and a pair of hands id have my doubts lol

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No, although for a stupid paranoid reason I do actually have my Facebook account in the name of Ruby Dazzler!


This hiding behind a screen thang is one reason why I'd only ever really trust someone I've met, to be a 'real' person. The rest could be anyone. I've been online for quite a number of years now and the sheer animosity and viciousness that can be displayed by some online personalities and the lengths they'll go to to cause aggro and trouble for people has to be experienced to be believed.



Life is too short too worry about things like that Ruby.:)

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Life is too short too worry about things like that Ruby.:)

I bet you've probably never been on the receiving end of a really determined troll type. Someone I knew via another site nearly lost his job over lies about him emailed to his employer by someone he'd fallen foul of online and I've experienced a watered down version of it on SF recently.


There are some nasty people about m^rk, you have to be a little bit cautious sometimes. It's quite astounding what people can find out just from your email addy, let alone the personal details that people often give out unwittingly just in casual conversation.

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I bet you've probably never been on the receiving end of a really determined troll type. Someone I knew via another site nearly lost his job over lies about him emailed to his employer by someone he'd fallen foul of online and I've experienced a watered down version of it on SF recently.


There are some nasty people about m^rk, you have to be a little bit cautious sometimes. It's quite astounding what people can find out just from your email addy, let alone the personal details that people often give out unwittingly just in casual conversation.


I've asked about what can happen if you give out your email address and people have said nothing - what sort of details cn they find out Ruby?

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I've asked about what can happen if you give out your email address and people have said nothing - what sort of details cn they find out Ruby?

I'm not actually sure, but I've been told that someone who knows the right places to go online can find out quite personal details about you. I always thought it was more that we unwittingly give things away about ourselves and from there it's a short step to finding out other things, rather than your actual addy. I give mine out all the time. it's even on Facebook!


I know that I managed to find an old colleague merely by knowing her name and the town she'd moved to, by using the electoral register online.

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I'm not actually sure, but I've been told that someone who knows the right places to go online can find out quite personal details about you. I always thought it was more that we unwittingly give things away about ourselves and from there it's a short step to finding out other things, rather than your actual addy. I give mine out all the time. it's even on Facebook!


I know that I managed to find an old colleague merely by knowing her name and the town she'd moved to, by using the electoral register online.


can they find your address?

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I'm not actually sure, but I've been told that someone who knows the right places to go online can find out quite personal details about you. I always thought it was more that we unwittingly give things away about ourselves and from there it's a short step to finding out other things, rather than your actual addy. I give mine out all the time. it's even on Facebook!


I know that I managed to find an old colleague merely by knowing her name and the town she'd moved to, by using the electoral register online.


I've often thought how easy it would be to "mine" the forum for personal data using a technique called "scraping". You could build up a body of data and extract information from it, and find things out about forummers they probably don't know themselves.


If I've got as far as thinking about trying it, you can bet someone else is already doing it.

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