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Bulls Head - Ranmoor - For Sale


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hi there. as one of the new managers of the bulls head i saddens me to see how poorly this place has done . we have spent the last month getting it back up to speed and improving the quality of the beer by finally cleaning the cellar and cleaning the lines on a regular basis as well (last landlord only did it once a month we have been told). i have been working hard to improve the food as well. now the menu is almost all fresh with produce from local butcher j.r. walker delivered almost every day and fish and veg from castlegate market. unfortunatly we cant do anything about the terrace but we are getting propper, more apropriate signs put outside and have made it clean again. guest ales are on their way, the first being black sheep this week and other concerns are being addressed. given a little time and your support we are sure we can bring it back to its former glory

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hi there. as one of the new managers of the bulls head i saddens me to see how poorly this place has done . we have spent the last month getting it back up to speed and improving the quality of the beer by finally cleaning the cellar and cleaning the lines on a regular basis as well (last landlord only did it once a month we have been told). i have been working hard to improve the food as well. now the menu is almost all fresh with produce from local butcher j.r. walker delivered almost every day and fish and veg from castlegate market. unfortunatly we cant do anything about the terrace but we are getting propper, more apropriate signs put outside and have made it clean again. guest ales are on their way, the first being black sheep this week and other concerns are being addressed. given a little time and your support we are sure we can bring it back to its former glory


I hope you can make a good go of it, it certainly ended up in a sorry state, and I for one stopped going in apart from when the Blades where on tv, more real ales please.

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