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Bents Green School for Delicate Children 1949-1952

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Can anyone remember going there when they were younger.

I was a boarder and found it an horrific experience.

If anyone remembers me and has any memories please let me know I was 7 when I first went and suffered dreadfully with asthma I had white blonde hair with a bow if ribbon on top and national health glasses and my name was Pamela Goodison

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Welcome to the forum, pam.


My sister was a pupil at Bents Green Open air school, from the 70's to the 80's.


My sister remembers it as a fantastic place at that time. She used to plead to be allowed to be a Boarder, rather than a day-scholar.


Mr Bailey, the headmaster when my sister was there, was a wonderful bloke, a huge, bear of a chap, always ready with a hug and an encouraging word for every child in his care. I seem to remember that his missus was a House Mother for the boarders. (can anyone confirm that?).

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Thanks Plaintalker things have obviously changed for the better I am very glad to say.

When I attended a very frightened 7year old 1949 it was worse than something from Charles Dickens Nicholas Nickleby.

Strict rules and I mean strict. I was spanked whilst having an attack of asthma because I had wet my bed. The Nurses who were i charge of the boarders were evil. The only good thing I can remember was after we had had our tea a lovely old lady called Miss Bookham used to come and read a chapter each night from one of Enid Blytons "Famous Five" books. When this happened I tried to go into that world of adventure and forget. Girls used to escape through the bedroom windows Our once a week letter to our parents had to be scrutinised and censored before we could send it. I hope the people that run the place then have rotted in hell. Sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear but I know there are those out there who defintely will bear me up on this. I was held under a cold shower, gasping for breath and to this day have a morbid fear of my face going under water. I am trying to pluck the confidence up to learn to swim it has took all these years . I am now 65

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Thanks MysticPam for feeling the same as I did. I hated the place and to this day can remember the Matron spanking kids with a hairbrush, (bristle side too). I guess you may have been there at the same time, can't quite remember the exact year but think it was around 1947/49.

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My mate dave braeley used go there. When he first told me i thought he was winding me up with the name of the school. He told us that he used to put cabbage in his pockets so he didn`t have to eat it.

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Pam, Pat:-


I'm sorry to hear what you two went through at BGS! how terrible!


Like you, I am glad to think things improved vastly, in the years between your attendance there, and my sister's.


My sister went there from about 1974-1982, and under Mr and Mrs Bailey, the regime there was fantastic. They were such loving, caring people, (As I said above, Mr B was the headmaster, and Mrs B was, IIRC a "housemother" with the residents) and my sister, who has learning disabilities, came on in leaps and bounds, more than anyone could have hoped or expected, under their "mentorship".


My sister had all but been "writen off" by the docs at The Childrens, when she was a tot, and had been diagnosed as having Autism. " you'll be lucky if she learns to walk and talk, and feed herself!" was the opinion of the docs. "She'll never 'make' anything of herself:- Put her in a home, forget about her, and have another!"


My mother told the docs to go away. (In so many words, shall we say!)


My sister was nutured and encouraged, and, despite going through special schooling, and despite the doctors' dire warnings, she has done incredibly well for herself.


She is now married, with three children, and runs her own home. Yes she is a bit "slow", but, *shrugs*, so what? We are just so immensely proud of the lass, whom the doctors wrote off.

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I think I remember Bill Bailey as a child growing up in Intake, he was younger than me by a 2/3 years and was aways seen with a smile on his face, sounds as if he carried the smile through life.

He went to King Edwards School when it was one of Sheffields best Grammar Schools if not the best .



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I went to Bents Green during the 1983 - 1986 period and the headmaster was a Mr Elliot and my dorm room head was a Mr Brown, I also remember a Mr Slator who had an office at the side of the dining room which had a variety of things from glue to paper and card in it, he also had a dog but I don't remember a lot about it.


I was a resident at the school and stayed there during the week and went home at weekends, if I mentioned my name, I guarantee people on here would know me very well.

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