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Has anyone tried to run their diesel car on vegetable oil?

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Hi i was wondering if anyone has tried or is running there car on vegi oil, i really want to try it but don't know of anyone who has done it yet and don't really want to knacker the car up. if anyone has tryed it please let me no how it went or is going.

thank you for all your replies up to now i have a k reg asta 1.7, also if you are running or have run your car on vegi oil could you please tell me what car it was many thanks ash

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Apparently it is perfectly legal to use veg oil in tank without declaring unless you use more than 2000 litres. Most diesel cars will run normally or even better with a 30% veg oil mix with diesel. Doesn't work out much cheaper though I am told as you need to change the fuel filter more often.

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Yes, we do it in our van, hubbie doen't use in the jeep cos he's scared it will damage the turbo, but it works just fine in the van, just filter it. (No it doesn't smell at all)

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I've researched this professionally, so please don't just do what the above poster says and bung in vegetable oil without looking into it first or you'll ruin your car!


Your car needs to be a pre-1997 non-injection model, with a Bosch fuel pump for a start.


Even then you can only run on a mix of 30% veg oil to 70% diesel in winter. In summer you can up it to a 50-50 mix.


The reason for this is that the engine struggles with the viscosity of the oil. You can fit a second tank, so that you start the car on regular diesel and then switch to veggie oil when the engine and fuel delivery system is warm. But this can cost upto £2000 for a professional conversion.


You'll also have to change your fuel filter more often.

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i run my 2.8 diesel jeep on a 50/50 mix of diesel and veg oil or baby oil, and have done so for 3 years with no problems at all. this gives me 40% saving oposed to just diesel. changed filter every 18 months, just as a precaution.


We change filter usually every 2 years high mileage, and usual MOT, using oil hasn't made any difference at all (Yet, of course)

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