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St Patrick - Why are we celebrating and what did he do?

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I'm all for celebrating!! Guiness or Irish whiskey for the Irish. Scottish whisky for the Scots (of course). A light, hoppy real ale for the English. And a leek for the Welsh.


After all that whisky and ale, you'll probably need to take a leek...




...I'll get my coat.

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As an Irish citizen, I have a lot of sympathy with this. I still say that England should have a day's holiday for its adopted patron saint.



A lot of the Irish in England take a day's holiday anyway. I know my father-in-law did. Mass in the morning, a few bevvies at lunchtime and a lot more in the evening, plus a good sing-song of the old Fenian ballads.

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So was St Patrick a binge drinker?


Just puzzled as to why people need to get drink


People's need to get drunk has no connection to Paddy Day ... that comes about because of people's need to pretend they have some legitimate reason for getting drunk. They don't.

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I'm all for celebrating!! Guinness or Irish whiskey for the Irish. Scottish whisky for the Scots (of course). A light, hoppy real ale for the English. And a leek for the Welsh.


Leek? Sod that, tell 'em to get some Black Sheep ale down 'em! :D

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Everyone has a legitimate reason for getting drunk. Every alert, sober man has a monkey on his back. Relaxing with booze is the way that you can get the monkey off your back and steep yourself in oblivion. Without a regular moment of oblivion life can be an onslaught of stark unpleasantness. Booze is the antidote. The High and Mighty don't like us engaging in this escape - they would rather we would stay sober and obedient - but it is a necessary aspect of life on earth.

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Everyone has a legitimate reason for getting drunk. Every alert, sober man has a monkey on his back.



Just because you find it necessary to pickle your own brains in poison because you can't face life, does not mean that everyone else is as pathetic as you are.

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Yes, that's true, Heyesey. I can't face life. I need booze. I need booze. Help me someone, I need booze. According to Heyesey I can't function without it.


Go on, Heyesey. Are you saying that you have given up booze and that the greater questions are answered by cold, sober contemplation?


I don't think so.

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