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Should we move to Royston, Barnsley?

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it's been forty years since I lived in Royston, I was in my late twenties when I left. when I live there there were people from Sunderland, Scotland Ireland and Wales? People were never treated as outsiders: what I can say is that I met an old school pal back in 1994; He was to fill me in on what was happening, He revealed to me that some of my old class mates were dead. A C at the age of 28 died leukaemia? M H died Cancer 30 P J Cancer 36. It was that he wanted to tell me more on who'd died: Royston was not too bad a place to live; There were in my school Only one coloured Girl and she was about twelve and was dying from Cancer> No coloured lads and only a few Chinese: no harm came of them living there, The thing about Royston was not the friendly or not so friendly it was the Monkton Coke ovens that dished out thousands of tonnes of chemicals wafted up by smoke; some of which fell as soot on Royston? clothes on the washing line covered in pock marks of dioxins and other chemicals. Water contaminated that once was to be treated within a filter bed down in the fifty acer field closed down where the untreated water was diverted underneath the railway line via a single Concrete pipe where it was to go untreated directly into the Canal. There was a Dam which divided the canal into two sides One side was (clean) and the other side was where slurry (dirty Black smelly water with a colourful rainbow of chemicals which were oily substance. Luckily the dam where the clean water was was at a higher level than the Other side. The overflow pipe would allow water to flow into the dirty side. I do recall one occasion when it was to rain so heavy that the concrete pipe got blocked with debris and caused tonnes of water to overflow into the clean side. It was only localised but enough to kill off some fish. Conclusion if the people do not bother you just think what might happen to your health? It could well be that the Coking plant has more to do with deaths of people M H for instance could at school give me fifty yards start at the three hundred yards race where I'd practice with him during our field day event he'd leave me standing and knackered out. and yet he an all round athlete died of Cancer. As for me I would not want to live within that town ever again: No Ties no family living, but even then if there were family no thank you

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