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'Affinity' has changed ownership


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hi well sheffield seems to be on the up went worked a shift in affinaty last night grate atmosphere and busy aswell than went to dempseeys it was not as busy as last sataday but still heeeeeeeving than onto lyons lair lock in kim has worked her magic again and had a realy good night was gonna go to xs but ran out of cash though i herd it was busy two hope so i feel sheffield has a big way to go befor we are regagnised by the national gay comunity but i feel we are heding in the right genral direction i have been to most of the gay events and clubs/bars never been to the bronx suna tho any one with any info just curios lol

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Well it appears that the only thing that has changed is they have 2 new staff that have heard of the forum! Can I suggest to both to typing your message in Windows Word first running a spell check and then cut and pasting in to the forum as your spelling and grammer makes it look like the place is run by people with no clue!


Good point; it appears that Heathd02 is using some form of 'Text-speak' (did he post from his mobile?). If you read the Guidelines given by the Moderators, you will quickly see that they urge members NOT to post in text-speak, so that all users can understand clearly. I know it might take a little extra time, but it will make everyone happier if they can clearly read the posts!


As for it being 'Hilarious and inclusive' I felt the total opposite. Ok so tiaanna might not be to everyones liking, but to invite her there to merely tease and humiliate is way out of line. Asking her to recite things she had posted on the forum etc and interupting her 'perfomances'. If it was a real competition fair enough, but it was just a chance for the drag queens to have some fun at anothers expense.


I totally agree with the above; I was invited to sing two songs, which I did very well, but was very taken aback when they tried to humiliate me afterwards, and suffice to say, I have nothing more to say on that particular incident!


Back to a previous post of mine that is still unanswered, has anyone met the new owners yet? Nobody has confirmd apart from the forums latest 'recruits'. I heard it was going down the classier route....this therefore includes the same drag shows as before just including some fun making of tiaanna, not classy by my standards. So as far as I can see it has not changed at all, same staff, same drag queens, owners not to be seen and using a messaging service provided by fuel.


One 'New' Drag Act is that I am now officially doing it every Tuesday with Scott Kelly on the decks.

If you pop in any day of the week, you will meet either, or usually, both of the very nice managers, Dan and Troy (And if you're lucky, Dan's dog, Brook!). I also met the owner Tony, a few times; he is in from time to time, but you should bump into him soon if you visit regularly!



Look out for my 'Amy Swinehouse' mime this coming Tuesday!:D

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sory again its not text speak im actualy realy dilexic im finding it very challanging to convay that across to people who dont understand that a simple spell check dose not work as it often meand difarensiating the meanings of words such as thair and thare i spell phoneticaly and illogicaly please try and be pasiant with me i do try i meen you wouldent ask a disabled person to get up and work or a blind person to watch what thair doing lol sory if i dident make this clear in previus posts also on a brighter not and going out espesiay to tia-anna you did a realy nice job tuesday iv none you for quite sum time now and love what you do please try and cum and see me on sunday id value you opinion xxxxxxxx oh hope i can kiss on hear lol

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Sorry, Heathd., but I couldn't make it last night, but I WILL DEFINITELY be there EVERY Tuesday, as it is officially 'my' night as drag act (First and foremost, of course, it is Scott Kelly's night, as he is the DJ!!).

As I am now concentrating on formal drag bookings only, apart from going to monthlies such as Climax and Razor for fun, if people want to see me regularly dress up and perform, I will expect to be, well, you know, booked through the formal channels.

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It isn't your night at all.....who told you that? You are there to collect glasses....!


Well how true is this post, I was in Affinity tonight, and stayed for a couple and chatted to the bar staff, and they confirmed that Tyranna was there on a Tuesday soley to collect glasses. (oh dear she will try and get this post deleted).


She wasnt the main act of the night at all, I saw her collect glasses.


9:40 and no sign of a DJ at all, this isn`t the only Tuesday where no DJ has appeared before 9:30, do they not have a watch ................ is there really a DJ on a Tuesday.


I left in disgust.


On a high note, nice to meet Heathd02, although he probably didn`t know it was me, but as a bar staff, he was friendly and nice.


it was a shame about the rest of the night, a deffo let down :(

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