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'Affinity' has changed ownership


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Oh Dear and I was so looking forward to going along to see Tyranna perform in drag ...


Tyranna dear you cant do much with glasses - not even the magic 3 card trick ! Go on persuade them to let you up on stage - you ill at least be a lot more reliable time wise than the DJ by the sounds of it !

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The owner is in quiet oftern an as for my spellin i think its quiet sick tht you should try and laugh at it as i to have dyslexia and i find it queit hard to spell. so you can shuv your citisism were it belongs.

the changes to affinity will be seen over the next couple of weeks and the changes made so far customers have liked!

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dont worry about it jamie, its always the same, they find something in what someone says or does and then picks on it, it shows their own insecurities, either they are ugly, camp, thick or just plain stupid and they have to put others down to make themselves feel good. Sheffield scene all over I am affraid.

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Well how true is this post, I was in Affinity tonight, and stayed for a couple and chatted to the bar staff, and they confirmed that Tyranna was there on a Tuesday soley to collect glasses. (oh dear she will try and get this post deleted).


She wasnt the main act of the night at all, I saw her collect glasses.


9:40 and no sign of a DJ at all, this isn`t the only Tuesday where no DJ has appeared before 9:30, do they not have a watch ................ is there really a DJ on a Tuesday.


I left in disgust.


On a high note, nice to meet Heathd02, although he probably didn`t know it was me, but as a bar staff, he was friendly and nice.


it was a shame about the rest of the night, a deffo let down :(


...Well, I WAS the main act there last Tuesday night, if you had stayed, and everybody enjoyed it!

Sorry about Scott Kelly, the DJ not turning up; I was waiting for him after he said he would come, and in the end they called in Jamie, who didn't disappoint!

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Get over yourself Tyranna....i asked the staff if you are there as entertainment and they told me that you are purely employed as a glass collector. To be honest, i find it quite embarrassing that you are selling yourself as the main act there when quite clearly (as i have seen from posters etc) there is no mention of you so, *shrugs*

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