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'Affinity' has changed ownership


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There are also far too many 'so-called 'drag queens' at Gay clubs up and down the country, who are little more than a DJ in dress and a splash of slap and lippy, and while they may be OK at DJ-ing or looking pretty as a 'door-whore', they never attempt any of the full joy of performing their own original cabaret, such as live singing, lip synch, mime, Magic, even scripting and organising their own shows, something which I have enjoyed doing, and won awards for.


I can sense the bitterness in this bit, obviously aimed at Anji Bach who you dont like, and the fact you are banned from Affinity. I could be wong though.


I am wondering why you don`t work at any of the Sheffield Gay pubs/clubs doing your "act".

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do you know Tyranna turned up at the Sheffield Star ranting and raving that they should run an article on her and the pride organisers because they didnt let her perform on stage!?


I think that may be scurrilous rumours Gayham ... I think Tyranna does create some quite original characters - "Amy Swinehouse" I wish I had thought of that ... and whats this latest bus conductoress or train conductoress character that you have created Tyranna? I want to see you perform that sometime tho obviously it cant be in Affinity now so maybe do it in Dempseys or Razor Stlletto ....

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I can sense the bitterness in this bit, obviously aimed at Anji Bach who you dont like, and the fact you are banned from Affinity. I could be wong though.


I am wondering why you don`t work at any of the Sheffield Gay pubs/clubs doing your "act".


This thread is about AFFINITY, and SHOULD NOT be used as an instrument of personal attack against me by EITHER OF YOU, Spider Pete, and Gayham, or else I'll get the Admins to hit the Ban Button. For BOTH of you.



BTW, it's 'Anya Back'; and just because I think her act is mediocre, it doesen't mean that I don't like her. there are LITERALLY HUNDREDS of other mediocre drag queens i know of up and down the land who do little more than putting a dress and slap on, doing some DJ-ing of very run of the mill music, and doing the odd dance to a backing track.


Others such as myself, or those at Dempseys, actually WORK on doing their OWN ORIGINAL MATERIAL, and WHAT The Hell IS WRONG WITH THAT???


I don't work at any of the 'Sheffield Gay pubs/clubs' doing my act, because ONLY Affinity actually EMPLOYS 'Drag Queens' and then only as DJ's NOT as Cabaret Acts; I would have to go to Manchester, Birmingham, or London to get a fulltime residency, and I have got plenty of auditions/one night bookings (not always paid, mind) in these cities, as well as A LOT of unpaid performance in Sheffield, such as at Peace In The Park, and the Green Fair, which I actually OPENED(!), and I did MY OWN NIGHT just after Pride at the Runaway girl, which proved quite successful, especially as there were several other clubs/nights on the same night and numbers of patrons were down altogether due to them being thinly spread.


Finally, I find it also PARTICULARLY OFFENSIVE that 'Gayham' has somehow got involved with an unfounded rumor (Wherever that one came from) that I have been complaining to THE STAR, again something which I am afraid that I have to dissociate myself from completely, especially in the way that he said that I was complaining about Gay Pride not allowing me on stage. Yes, there was a minor misunderstanding re. Pride issues, but that particular issue is now SORTED, and I have been happy friends with Pride ever since.

Gayham, out of all due respect, I am surprised that you were actually PAID to do the entertainment at The Vine; I did my show for nothing, as did other musicians there, and Rob the manager told me that he couldn't pay anyone as it was a Pride event and people were expected to offer their services for free...


I hope all of the overwhelming majority of the Gay community who APPRECIATE AND SUPPORT the HARD WORK that I have put into my Drag Act to make it one of the BEST in the region, will be happy for me to put the record straight and will encourage all your peers to be like-minded in their generosity and RESPECT to me as a PROFESSIONAL PERFORMING ARTISTE, and consider the subject of my personal life and career issues CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!! Now, without ANY further ado,

BACK TO TOPIC!which is, namely, AFFINITY!:thumbsup:

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Mod note:


I agree.


It's also in danger of moving into potentially libellous territory.


The thread title was to discuss the change of management at Affinity. Sadly, yet again, and despite warnings, some people couldn't stick to the thread topic.



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