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Is there a Sushi place on campo lane ?


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Give her some salmon and tuna and don't tell her it's raw. Once she tastes it she'll be hooked.

I had a sushi tastic weekend in London, so it'll be nice to compare this to some that I know is really good and see if it comes up to scratch.

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I love Sushi and really want to go. But my girlfriend hates the idea of raw fish (my attempts to convince her keep failing :( ). How much of the food on the conveyor belt is cooked stuff like Tepinyaki that she might enjoy?


Also what are the prices like?


Tell her to open her mind a little: a lot of my friends had this view until they tried it and they liked it.

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Give her some salmon and tuna and don't tell her it's raw. Once she tastes it she'll be hooked.

I had a sushi tastic weekend in London, so it'll be nice to compare this to some that I know is really good and see if it comes up to scratch.


The salmon sashimi is one of the best thngs i have ever tasted. I have tried everything, Japanese style, that I didnt liek the idea of or wouldv'e never wanted to try - and loved it all: expept for eel: that is just awful! lol

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I love Sushi and really want to go. But my girlfriend hates the idea of raw fish (my attempts to convince her keep failing :( ). How much of the food on the conveyor belt is cooked stuff like Tepinyaki that she might enjoy?


Also what are the prices like?


Prices go from £1.80 to £4 something, 5 different priced plates.


They also have noodle dishes which are for order to your table, you can order anything on the menu or take your pick off the belt. the menu has pictures so you can find what you are eating.

Most of the food is cooked, there is raw tuna and salmon but only a few. she will be able to find food - take a look at the menu; link on my first post.



In reply to another post, they don't do takeaway - unfortunatly. When i was in about 5 people can in within 40mins wanting said service, might see it soon!!

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£1.80 to £3.80, no £4.00 something of the conveyor.


Tried it tonight, first customers in after it opened at 1730.


I'm pretty impressed, we had a light/medium meal for two, no drinks for about £25. We both went away satisfied, the sashima was good, the service was excellent, apparently the salad was good (not a huge fan myself), I'd have preferred a few more edamame on the plate, and I think the gioza could have been grilled for a little longer, but these are minor niggles. I'd like to be able to get a bento box or some for of lunchtime take away.

Best of luck though, and I'll certainly be a frequent customer.

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