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DJ Competition!!!


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Just put PCDJ or Virtual DJ on auto chav and go for a fag, no one will notice, ask Andy Jay lol.


Thing is I'm not primarilly a DJ as my name says i'm a KJ, but after 15 years of doing the job I am still one of Sheffield's most sought after entertainers and apart from helping new dj/kj's with their sound and handing out gigs that i cannot cover to those who i think capable I think I do a good job! Added to that I can now pick and choose where and when i work


The job of a dj is to entertain the audience not the dj letting their own music tastes determine what music is played, that maybe dance music one night, rock another, chart and cheese on yet another or even a mixture of all music styles as long as the audience is staying in then generally you'll find landlord/landlady is happy!

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Thing is I'm not primarilly a DJ as my name says i'm a KJ, but after 15 years of doing the job I am still one of Sheffield's most sought after entertainers and apart from helping new dj/kj's with their sound and handing out gigs that i cannot cover to those who i think capable I think I do a good job! Added to that I can now pick and choose where and when i work


The job of a dj is to entertain the audience not the dj letting their own music tastes determine what music is played, that maybe dance music one night, rock another, chart and cheese on yet another or even a mixture of all music styles as long as the audience is staying in then generally you'll find landlord/landlady is happy!

I can back all of this up.

I have known Andy for donkeys years, in fact, if it wasnt for him I wouldnt have the residency that I have now been doing for over a year :thumbsup:

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I am not a dj/kj just a karaoke singer that's all and i do it for fun.It get's me mad when dj's all good in there own right in what they do start getting competative and slag each other off (dj stu) how childish but when they need advice who do they turn to each other.Now if my memory serves me correct and i know it does who lends you your lights to dj and taught you the programme your using.Is it kj venom?.Now your all set up and ready to go you can be nasty and slag him off now he's no longer required.:loopy::rant:get a life.

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Oh dear


You lot can be click. Apologise to KDJ AJAY, my comment was not a personal attack on his professional conduct.


Just a statement about how information technology impacted on DJing and the limitations of what the audience wants to lisiten to. For those DJ's with wide tastes in music, baseline and the UK top 40 must wear a bit thin?


Nemi (Amanda) you are right, I do owe a lot of DJ's like Andy for the advice and loan of equipment. Andy already knows he can borrow my second kit should he ever have a breakdown.


Totty Bye for now

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Thanks for the apology Stu think about what you say in future that's my advice.As for being temprimental am just protecting my other half who i love and who is a good dj/kjeven if i do say so myself.Plus i am a hot head sometime i maybe tiny but am scarey lol.Muzz will agree with that statement hahahaha. Cya.

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Guys - Can we get back on topic here.


THE FINAL IS TONIGHT - TUCKERS BAR (upper bar of Westways, entry round back), West St - 7.30 till Late


6 dj's will battle it out for the years contract with GOSH management.


All support would be welcomed for a cracking night out with top tunes



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Not once has anyone won a dj competition no matter how good they was !

just hope that this is official and not another bring all your friends for support etc and fill up the tills with booze money for the night ! this aint about mixing abilitys and crowd control, westways is the sort of place thats strict on playin chart music & cheese and loads of mic work, and it's who ya know not what ya know in this game !!

But on this occasion please lets know who won and if they got the job or not ;-)

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I won last years contest myself and I can indeed confirm that I am not affiliated with Westways in any shape or form.


One of the entrants won through and he turned up on his own with no support at all. Its not a popularity contest, best guy wins and all the dj's are well aware of the criteria that is marked against (and mixing ability is one of them)


I have worked at various places as part of the contract throughout the year including places as diverse as upstairs at Westway (playing pure r'n'b with very little mic work), Miss South Yorkshire 2008 through to the main room at the Leadmill


If you wish to check out the management company you get the contract with, then the website is http://www.goshmanagement.com you'll find me on there


I'll post results tomorrow morning providing i can get out of bed before heading off to my main job. If not, then it will be just after lunch.



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