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Village Idiot - Do you have one?

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There's a guy near us who sweeps the leaves outside his house in grey tight joggin bottoms - He has sellotape on the cracks in his windows and you see him out and about in the winter in a vest !!!.....I think something is 'not quite right' but I'm not sure ......I just think 'Bless' when I see him:|


Agent Orange? :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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There used to be a guy that paraded around my neighbourhood in what can only be described as leggings with white socks pulled up over them. He thought nothing of dropping his kecks and having a dump in the middle of the pavement. (seriously, i saw this with my own eyes)

Haven't seen him for a fair few years now though.

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There used to be a guy that paraded around my neighbourhood in what can only be described as leggings with white socks pulled up over them. He thought nothing of dropping his kecks and having a dump in the middle of the pavement. (seriously, i saw this with my own eyes)

Haven't seen him for a fair few years now though.


That reminds me of when I was 16 and doing work experience (through college) at a solicitors in town, and the church opposite (where Next is on Fargate, there is that post office on the little street towards the Lyceum) and there was a woman who would walk round it and hover and then just pull her skirt up and have a wee (or whatever) on the steps. It was minging :gag:

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There was this chap we stumbled upon whilst whilst at a pub in the middle of the peak district. I will set the scene so you get an idea of how bizarre this was. It was the rugby world cup final, the pub happened to be showing the game so it was packed out with England fans, and there was one particular chap who was dressed from head to toe in south africa gear and had the south african flag draped over his back. Anyway, when I approached him and asked if he was south african, he said no. I enquired as to why he was supporting south africa and he responded with a very confused "I dont know". I think he may have well been the village idiot and that the jokers of the village decided to have a laugh with him :hihi:

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