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Brown Bear has reopened following renovation!

Andy C

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I heard that its closed down from a friend of a friend, whos female friend wasnt none too the happier when her ex was constantly being chatted up by the fat, loud 40 something year old woman that worked there. She was then told it was the landlady!? :s


Long story short, the tenants added the scruffy and bad characters to the pub despite the renovation (what was okay at first, even I popped in for one :) )- then the tenants themsleves appeared to be definate 'characters;.

Since heard from her (as the guy was very "ahem" close to the woman) that they have been kicked out for not bringing enough money in by the brewery, and that they knew it was on the rocks.


Good riddance (of the tenants). It was a cool place to go for a cheap half (90P!?) after a Jumbos had wiped you out of pocket lol.

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I heard that its closed down from a friend of a friend, whos female friend wasnt none too the happier when her ex was constantly being chatted up by the fat, loud 40 something year old woman that worked there. She was then told it was the landlady!? :s


So "someone" told the friend of a friend of a friend? That's about as unreliable a set of circumstances as I've ever read. Did this "someone" work for a tabloid?";)

The landlady was quite young and usually her husband/partner was there with her by the way.

I do have to agree that the clientele were "rough round the edges". The old man who sat shouting to himself in the corner was a "character"!

Still a pity it's closed. Was good for a quick cheap pint.

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