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Iconic Symbols Of Sheffield

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  • 1 year later...

Things that have gone, that I personally miss are:- yes the eggbox (ugly but one of a kind), the hole in the road, the pubs, removed for new offices, the hospital on West Street (was it the Royal Hospital).


Things now that will become icons or are already, love them or hate them:- Cheese Grater (car park), the "new" Peace Gardens, The Moor when it's finished, the Station Approach and that fountain,sculpture.


Things I dislike about Sheffield, the Councils that let us down everytime we vote them in, the dodgy one way systems better than some I know, pot holes in the roads, all the decimated steel works, too many unused buildings and shops. It's good to vent the old spleen now and again.

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I notice that the majority of icons which symbolise Sheffield are no longer here.


To me it shows how nostalgic people are for the old Sheffield past.


i doubt if you could now call Sheffield, 'the biggest village in the world', I think those days are gone.


To be honest the whole city has changed in lots of ways for the better.


Sheffield is now far more cosmopolitan with the huge number of immigrants that have settled here and changed the whole feel of the place.


You only have to stand at any bus stop on the High Street and observe the whole range of different nationalities that have now made there home here.


I am not saying this is a totally bad thing but it does put a different sense of what Sheffield is today with a totally different set of icons which represent the city.


If we set store by the old icons we would be telling lies to the world outside when the truth is those icons and way of life have gone, for better or worse.


Let the people get real and hold up the present day icons which truly represent the city, a city of real diversity where people of all cultures and backgrounds have a say in the icons they want the city to be known for.



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I regarded the cooling towers as the biggest icon and also the stainless steel bull at the side of the M1 at Tinsley, both now gone. I also remember the 'eternal flame' from the chimney at Smithey Wood coke ovens at Chapeltown, now gone as well.

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I agree Lagerlil with Millhouses Park. A special place to visit, especially when young, with its paddling pool, lido, boating lake and the river.

Other icons in my opinion were the electric trams (pre 1961), the Sheffield University Arts Tower with its Paternoster lift, the Castle Square subway and the Three Sisters Tower blocks (now reduced to two) at the top of Gleadless Valley. One of the first things you saw on the horizon when returning to the city on the M1.

On the food front, Hendersons' Relish (made for over 100 years) is unique,

Taggy's ice cream was the best ever and Wilsons' snuff is still going after more than 250 years!

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hi echo beach i also think meat and potato pie is not same without relish, and taggys ice cream was always a sunday teatime treat. cant find a ice cream i like as much! i dont remember the other trams .


Forgot about Taggy's ice cream, blimey that was great stuff, better than Manfredi's or Granelli's :D.


I also remember my childhood trips to Millhouses, with the paddling pools (the stepped ones), taking a picnic and Dad going missing for hours, coming back and falling asleep, before our snap (can't think why ;););)) whilst me and my cousins flew our brown paper kites.

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  • 1 year later...
I regarded the cooling towers as the biggest icon and also the stainless steel bull at the side of the M1 at Tinsley, both now gone. I also remember the 'eternal flame' from the chimney at Smithey Wood coke ovens at Chapeltown, now gone as well.


And the chiney at the same plant that had IZAL in white bricks down it

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