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Anyone remember - Resurrection Services, Walkley Cemetery?


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Took place on the afternoon of Easter Sunday.

Began 1902

Ended some time in the 70's.

At it's height, reputed to have attracted 25,000 people.


We are intending to remember these events during our regular tour of the cemetery next week (Sunday 30th 2pm, cemetery gates). Does anyone have any memories to share?


A description from a newspaper of the first event:


"The day was as bright and cheering as the event which all Christians celebrate on Easter Sunday, and to that sheltered God’s acre on the Walkley hills came more than three thousand people, who reverently took part in a service that occupied an hour of the afternoon. Many of the graves were decorated with spring flowers, and looked very effective. A platform had been erected in a hollow of the cemetery, and on the rising ground all around stood throngs of people, most of them joining heartily in the service, which was so arranged as to remind all present at once of the death of this little life and of the resurrection and immortality."


...and Roy Davey's slightly different take...


"All the youth of Walkley used to gravitate to the cemetery for the occasion and join in the hymn singing with gusto, though I have to admit that our attendance at this service was seldom motivated by a desire to seek some spiritual uplift. This was the first open air event of the year...and the lasses seized on the opportunity to regale themselves in all the finery they could afford...each vying to outdo the rest and win the approval of the boys." (Reminiscing around Rivelin 1984, reprinted 2005)



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In later years Loxley Silver Band often took part in these events - any current or former members remember playing on the steep hillside of the cemetery, probably shivering or in a howling gale :)



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