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Advice wanted on half marathon running!


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I am a member of a running clun called Hallamshire Harriers at Hillsborough. I have been running there for nearly two years now and i really enjoy it! I have made lots of new friends and i have improved my fitness a great deal!! Training is good fun as well as keeping fit! Through training you can then go on to compete in races for the south yorkshires, for example and you get a real buzz out of it! Over the past 2 years i have built up stamina and i have improved a great deal. When i first started running i thought there was no hope for me and that i would never be able to do it but i continued to go down and train and as a result i have got a lot fitter. I'm not saying running is easy but but if u have stamina u will keep at it and hopefully enjoy it.

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What sort of running do you do with hallamshire harriers? I could do with some people to run with for my evening runs. I usually do about an hour or so every couple of days. I was running with a club but they were all fast men and I ended doing really long runs, which led to injury.


Bit of speed training wouldn't hurt either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone else giving it a go?


I have decided to.


Been putting in the miles did a run to fox house then back by owler bar on friday mangaged 12 miles all hills though and not quick at all took nearly 2 hours but I just wanted to finish:)


Going to focus on speed, now they have some good training articles in Runners world and on the web site.

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Originally posted by jonsastar

I would like to give the sheff half marathon a go, does any one know a good place to run that is similar terrain.


I aint fast though and my max run so far is 10 k, and that is on a tread mill, any suggestions.


I did the sheff half last year, won't be this year though (ankle injury).


We used to run round the ladybower / derwent / howden reservoirs in the peaks (usually starting at fairholmes). Beautiful scenery and it's so peaceful and serene and the air is clear ... views are lovely ...

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