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Draw us some out mate.

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I think you are all very honest


I would wrestle with my conscience I think.


If the bank was open it would be easy, I really would just go inside and give it to them, but a dark wet rainy night and me broke? well...I honestly wouldnt like to say what I would do.

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You'd keep it LouiseB and who would blame you.

As for Huwj, your reasons are justified the difference being you have not stolen the money, its there in your face for you to do what you like, no one has been mugged or pick pocketed, the cash you see will be found, found by you.

No wallet to tell you an address to return it to.

Stop feeling guilty and do what most of us will do and thats put the cash for a good cause and that means the one who found it.

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It has DB, and yes its annoying but is someone really going to go back to the bank to see if some kind chap has handed in my dosh i forgot to take from the cash machine, I just put my experience down to bad luck and made sure it did not happen again.

I,m not saying i,m right to do that but i,m me i don,t steal or break the law but finding cash well thats different in my book.

But what is your opinion about the legal side to this, do you think i should be arrested for this or left to take my good fortune with me.

Be honest, would you charge me for theft.

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I really can't see what the debate is about. It's not your money and it should be returned. It doesn't matter whether the next person would have stolen it, whether it's raining, whether you're poor, whatever. If you only do good things for the reward then I feel sorry for you. If the owner can be found by the shop, police, bank then you may get a reward. If not, you can claim it after a period of time. If you can't get back to the bank then email them and ask where they want it returning.


I find it amazing that many of you who have written on here about burglars, asylum seekers and other law breakers are condoning theft because you don't know who the rightful owner is. That is hypocrisy. Boy, coupled with the theft are you ever going to burn in hell (alongside all those evil homosexuals that the pope in a frock has condemned)


Just in case you missed the point:


It's not your money.

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Originally posted by maxt


It's not your money.

I really can't see what the debate is about.

Its about wether you would take the cash or not and if it would be unlawfull.

I find it amazing that many of you have writen on here about burglars, asylum seekers and other law breakers are condoning theft.

Were not condoning theft here maxt, were trying to establish wether it is theft for a start, your point of view is valid and so is mine as i say it should be lawfull and its not stealing.

Stealing is to knowingly deprive someone of there belongings.

Here we have stumbled across the cash by accident.

Spot the difference.

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Stumbling across the money in the street may not be considered theft and there could be a case for keeping hold of it. Finding it poking out of a cash machine is theft. You would know full well that the atm owner would be able to determine the identity of the previous user and return the money. Apart from anything else it may be that the money belongs to the atm provider and you would know who that is. There would be no doubt in your mind that it is one or other.


I'm sorry, DB there is no room for debate here. It is theft, you know who owns the money and you are depriving them of rightful ownership.

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I'm sorry maxt there is room for debate. Who are you going to hand it in to? Ther supermarket thats closed or the drunk on the bench?


If you read my posts carefully... you'll notice I said I'd keep it safe at home if there was no alternative and wait for the police to come to me. No contact then it's mine. Prolly fone local nick, but thats it.


Finding money in the street, well, unless you see who dropped it... it's yours!


And the point CR was making he doesn't know who owns it.. so who do you give it to? Assuming the supermarket was open, would you hand it in to the manager? Whats stopping him keeping it in a safe place for a couple pf weeks then spending after he has received no word on the matter? May as well do that yourself!

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