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Draw us some out mate.

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You missed my point about someone else keeping it, either the store manager or the next person. Whoever keeps it is a thief.


If you don't trust the supermarket owner then contact the atm owner. It's no good saying I don't trust anyone else to hand it to the correct owner, the point is, using that argument you are just as bad as a common thief.


If someone found a wallet outside one of the clubs you police would you expect them to say 'I'm not giving it to DaBouncer, he'll probably keep it himself'? I'd expect not but the situation is exactly the same. Either you or the punter have the ability to trace the owner and should make every attempt to return their property.


The end result is the same, if you keep it you're a thief.

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

This is the last point I'll make cos I'm gonna be late for work.

If I found a wallet I would hand it in.

Found cash, would depend on circumstances.


End Of!


Exactly, in the atm circumstances you can find the owner same as a wallet.

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Hand it in, it is not your money and to take it is theft. When I was on holiday in the Black Forest, I walked away and left my money in the Machine: 100 Euros and an honest Lady came running after me with the money.


I was so gratefull, I could have kissed her, but she said she would rather be shot than poisoned Ha Ha. Seriously though, it was a wonderfull example of German honesty and I couldn't thank her enough.

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Originally posted by maxt

It's no good saying I don't trust anyone else to hand it to the correct owner, the point is, using that argument you are just as bad as a common thief.


[Why not, why should i trust someone i don't know.?]


If someone found a wallet outside one of the clubs you police would you expect them to say 'I'm not giving it to DaBouncer, he'll probably keep it himself'? I'd expect not.


[Why not, i don't know him, he could be the biggest crook in Sheffield, being a bouncer don't make him a saint.]


Either you or the punter have the ability to trace the owner and should make every attempt to return their property.


[On a saturday night, no thanks....Tell you what, i will ring the bank up and tell them i have the money and if they want to trace the owner,thats fine but you come to me and get it.

I have no obligation to go running round handing in money someone else was careless to leave in the first place.]


The end result is the same, if you keep it you're a thief.


Disagree totally, its been found i,m not a thief, and thats my final comment.


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Maxt this is in the hope of reaching a final standpoint on this becuase neither your nor CycleRacer are budging on this.


Is it YOUR 'OPINION' that if cycleracer kept the money he's a thief? YES.

Well in cyleracers 'opinion' he is NOT, at theif.


No-one can say who is and who isnlt right, it all depends on circumstance.


You can keep saying its theft its thef its theft as long as you like, but CR will keep saying its not its not its not.


This will just lead to a long thread going back and forth like a ping pong.


AGREE to Disagree!

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Can't help you DB. The law is the law. Morality is morality. There are no opinions on this one, to take the money is theft.


If the police cautioned this person then it must be against the law.

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The best thing to do is leave the money alone, and let the cash machine swallow it back up (it will do, after a short time).


When the bank staff or their contractors next service the machine, it will tell them that cash has been left. The machine will also have a record of whose cash it was, so that their account can be credited.

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