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Draw us some out mate.

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The police would really find it easy to track someone down if you took the cash and then use your card to draw some more money.


If you didn't place your card in then your mug shot would have to appear on something like crimewatch if they would have to track you down via video (if there is one there), unless one of them knew you.


I'd take Andy advice, stand there till the money swallowed up. Failing that, I'd hand it in to the police.


If I found money in the street, I'd hand it in - there is probably 0% success rate someone claiming it unless it was a massive quanity stash someplace.


Either case, if no one comes forward to claim it after X months then I believe its yours. Tried looking up facts but gave up after a while. Feel free to correct me otherwise.


This thread was number one spot in my search for truth. :lol:

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Just to finish this 'debate' off I was talking to a fellow fencer last night who is also a police officer. We got to talking about the forum and this thread came up. The law on this is that it is 'theft by misappropriation', deliberately denying a person their rightful possession of goods.


He also added that, technically, finding anything and keeping it is also theft but as it is difficult to prove the thief intended to deny the rightful owner possession permanently it is seldom prosecuted.


The bottom line, no debate on this one DB, is that it is theft and the police will prosecute.

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theft is to dishonestly appropriate property belonging to another with the intention to permanently deprive the other of it.

It happened to me at the Uni when I was there and I caught the lass up with her £40. I would hope someone would do the same for me.

And contrary to popular belief, possession is not nine tenths of the law!

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Originally posted by maxt

Just to finish this 'debate' off I was talking to a fellow fencer last night who is also a police officer. We got to talking about the forum and this thread came up. The law on this is that it is 'theft by misappropriation', deliberately denying a person their rightful possession of goods.


He also added that, technically, finding anything and keeping it is also theft but as it is difficult to prove the thief intended to deny the rightful owner possession permanently it is seldom prosecuted.


The bottom line, no debate on this one DB, is that it is theft and the police will prosecute.

Jesus maxt..... so what; just let the subject rest eh!

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No. yet another thread spoilt by regurgitating old drivel. It wasn't me disagreeing remember. I believe Cycleracer was. I was pointing out that it's all a matter of point of view.


Whether or not the police would prosecute is irrelevant. It would have to be proved first!


Obviously you cannot let it rest until you've proved YOU'RE right!


OK... so what... they'd prosecute... big deal! Are you happy? You were right, the police would prosecute.

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Originally posted by maxt

Do you post insulting drivel because:


a) you have to have the last word




b) you're trying to get your post count up?

No... I was having a bad day, and you referring to me (in the way you did in your last post) added to my anger. Be thankfull it wasn't worse.


You have to shoulder some of the blame yourself though maxt, I was the one trying to make you and cycleracer reach a compromise. You then decided to bring me into things AFTER I thought things had finished.

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