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Potty training megathread


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Am i trying to potty train my daughter before she is ready?


I am on day 2 of potty training with my 2 1/2 year old, and she doesnt seem to have any idea she needs a wee before she is doing it.


She knows when she it wet but not when needs a wee. Does this come with time, or have i started too soon? Thanks.

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Am i trying to potty train my daughter before she is ready?


I am on day 2 of potty training with my 2 1/2 year old, and she doesnt seem to have any idea she needs a wee before she is doing it.


She knows when she it wet but not when needs a wee. Does this come with time, or have i started too soon? Thanks.


well after posting this earlier, the last 2 wees my little girl has done involved her running to potty and doing it on there without any prompting! Very proud, but also aware it could be a fluke. Fingers crossed :)

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  • 1 month later...

My son was 2 last month and I'm wondering how to go about toilet training him or even if I should be.


He knows when he is doing a poo and he will say "done a poo" whilst he is doing it. I don't think that he knows when he is doing a wee. He will say that the potty is for wees and poos but he refuses to sit on it. I've just bought him a seat for the toilet and he will sit on that briefly.He really likes the idea of washing his hands after he's been on it as he loves washing his hands! He did the 2nd half of a poo on it yesterday (by the time he tells me he's going, he is actually going).


I'm not sure if he's ready for toilet training. He isn't instigating it but then I have friends with children the same age who have decided to toilet train without the child particularly instigating it and it has worked. I'm really not sure how to go about it and even if I should be trying or not? How did other people go about it at the very beginning?


My 2nd baby is due in October so I would like to have made some progress by then ideally, although obviously if he isn't ready I don't want to rush him.

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  • 2 months later...

Babycamrat has just turned two, and is quite advanced and extremely independant. So independant it'd be easier if he wasn't!!!

When it comes to potty training and trying to get him to sit on a potty all we get is "No! I wear a nappy!"

I know some people say you should go at the childs speed but I'm thinking by this age he should be out of nappies by now (plus they are costing a fortune!:)) He knows when he wants/doing a poo but he just doesn't want to give up the nappies.


What should we do? Go at his pace and risk him turning 22 and still wearing them, or force him into pants and run the gauntlet of the screaming banshee and the incredible tantruming child! :help:

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I didn't try and train any of my boys until they were at least 2 and half, however my daughter was about 2 and 2 months. Unless you are desparate to get him out of nappies, I'd leave it, you don't want to risk turning it into a battle ground. Perhaps when you change his nappy, you could offer the potty, and before bathtime perhaps try again. perhaps he would rather go straight to using the toilet? Not all children like using the potty.


Whatever you decide, good Luck!



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3 is closer to the right age for boys, no matter what miraculous ages other parents tell you their children managed it. The saying 'the earlier you start the longer it takes' is true. If he isn't ready - and most importantly, willing - to start, then I'd say don't put yourself on that road to misery and frustration. Wait till he wants to, and really gets it, and it will be so much easier.

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I tried to potty train my daughter at 1 and half, she is extremely forward but wasn't having any of it. Few months later she was taking her nappy off and sitting on potty on her own. Shes now nearly 3 and doesn't have any accidents or. Have a nappy on at night. Go at the childs pace. Put potty in front room and he will soon be tempted, praise him when he does x

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  • 3 weeks later...

My boy is 3yr 3mth and will not even sit on the potty or toilet. I have tried leaving him without a nappy on and he just holds it until he has one put back on. When i have tried to sit him on the potty or loo he kicks and screams, I have tried sweet and sticker bribes but just wont have it. I feel like im banging my head on a brick wall.

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My boy is 3yr 3mth and will not even sit on the potty or toilet. I have tried leaving him without a nappy on and he just holds it until he has one put back on. When i have tried to sit him on the potty or loo he kicks and screams, I have tried sweet and sticker bribes but just wont have it. I feel like im banging my head on a brick wall.


I know it's frustrating, but I was very late, and my mother had a mantra for it: she'll be potty trained by the time she goes to school or VERY shortly after.

If you make it a big deal, show your frustration, and push and push, your little one will also see it as a big deal and either be anxious - which won't help - or will use it to get attention - again, bad. My suggestion would be to back away from it for a little while, a few weeks, and then see how the land lies.

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I know that Lewis is far from being potty trained but the potty is downstairs where he could get to it and he knows what his potty is....just not what it is for.


He was running around naked the other night just before bathtime so I decided to see if he would sit on it on the off chance...I said 'Lewis sit on your potty and have a wee'..............


He sat on the potty, grinned at me and then got back off and peed in the corner of the room! :D


I suppose he did what I asked him too!

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